Author Topic: What would be an appropriate knot for tying off a rope swing?  (Read 14053 times)


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What would be an appropriate knot for tying off a rope swing?
« on: January 14, 2011, 12:32:55 AM »
I've got a 2 year old son and in a couple of years I'll be making him a rope/tire swing. Obviously this is very important that I get the knots right on both contact points...the tree and the  tire. I was thinking about tying a double bowline for both contact points but I want to hear from the experts on this forum. I won't be doing this for a couple of years but it's something my wife and I have talked about doing for our son because we both enjoyed rope swings as children.


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Re: What would be an appropriate knot for tying off a rope swing?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2011, 12:45:02 AM »
I've got a 2 year old son and in a couple of years I'll be making him a rope/tire swing. Obviously this is very important that I get the knots right on both contact points...the tree and the  tire. I was thinking about tying a double bowline for both contact points but I want to hear from the experts on this forum. I won't be doing this for a couple of years but it's something my wife and I have talked about doing for our son because we both enjoyed rope swings as children.
Let's look at a link:

Notice that after a few wraps, a small force can resist a large force easily.  Such a setup on a tree branch will prevent the rope from chafing as the rope will merely wrap and unwrap over a small angle rather than sliding over the bark.

Next, you can hang a weight to provide the small counterweight needed, or you can hitch to a small secondary branch on the same limb (a simple Timber Hitch would work, among many other options).  Be aware that if the branch isn't level enough, the rope may walk.

You could use a Gnat Hitch for the tire.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 06:49:18 PM by roo »
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Re: What would be an appropriate knot for tying off a rope swing?
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2011, 01:02:45 AM »
Questions for clarity:
Is the branch reachable or will you have to heave the rope over?
Do you intend for it to be a one rope swing?



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Re: What would be an appropriate knot for tying off a rope swing?
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2011, 04:04:19 AM »
For the branch, I'd probably go with a Girth Hitch (i.e., Cow on a Loop).  While I'm tying a Girth, I might even go ahead with a Prusik instead.

For the tire, the knot there will be used as a handle when a person is sitting or standing on the tire, unless you make the knot way up there above the tire.  I'd probably use a Double Bowline, as you originally suggested.  The working end dangles downward out of the way, and the Double Bowline is trustworthy in my experience.  I'd probably combo that Loop with a Cow Hitch on the tire (resulting in a Girth Hitch again).  

Other viable options include a Figure 8 Follow Through or a Yosemite Bowline.  I imagine these knots would be more tamper resistant than a regular Bowline and neater than a Zeppelin Loop.  A Zeppelin Loop would leave a strand of rope hanging sideways, unless you awkwardly fixed the working end to the standing end above.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 05:59:32 AM by knot4u »


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Re: What would be an appropriate knot for tying off a rope swing?
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2011, 05:02:45 PM »
I really like your options, I didn't even think about the Prusik but that's probably the best option. I guess I could tie a cow hitch variant, isn't that what you were originally talking about? I think the cow hitch variant is stronger than people realize. Seems like the Prusik would be stronger for the branch though.

The double bowline seems like the logical choice to me for the tire, definitely wouldn't go with a bowline, want more security. I think the double bowline will give me this.


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Re: What would be an appropriate knot for tying off a rope swing?
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2011, 09:06:15 PM »
I really like your options, I didn't even think about the Prusik but that's probably the best option. I guess I could tie a cow hitch variant, isn't that what you were originally talking about? I think the cow hitch variant is stronger than people realize. Seems like the Prusik would be stronger for the branch though.

The double bowline seems like the logical choice to me for the tire, definitely wouldn't go with a bowline, want more security. I think the double bowline will give me this.

A Prusik is like a Cow Hitch on steroids.  The Prusik has extra wraps.  You can put as many wraps that your heart desires.  A Girth Hitch is basically a Cow Hitch with the working end attached to the standing end.  A Cow Hitch is called a Girth Hitch (or "Bale Sling Hitch") when you attach the working end to the standing end (i.e., tie a loop with a Cow in between).

Basically, what I'm saying with the Cow or Prusik is that make sure to attach the working end to the standing end.  That may seem obvious, but I want to make sure.  It would be easier to form a loop first and then form your Cow or Prusik by working the rope around the branch.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 09:18:33 PM by knot4u »