where does this variation of the Rosendahl fit in?
Oh, I would love to have been confronted with a question about
" How would this variation fit in ? " Then, I would have had the opportunity to answer by the annoying, megalomaniac : "
With great difficulty ! "

Mark, I have been studying your knot some hours now, and I have gone nowhere ! It looks like a variation of the Zeppelin bend indeed, because of the way the standing parts enter- and the tails exit - the knot s nub. However, it is not a "rope made hinge", meaning that its function is not depending upon the transverse position of the tails : the two main bights, the two first curves, are themselves crossed with each other, like what is happening in the case of
all the other interlocked-overhand-knot bends,
except the Zeppelin bend !
Even If this was not enough, we have a variation of one of the most symmetric knots, that destroy this symmetry completely...The aspect of this bend is, to me, awkward, to say the least,
in comparison to its, supposedly, parent knot, the Zeppelin bend. It is not the scale of the modification, it is the fact that the changes are disrupting the lines that we are used to follow by our sight of the Zeppelin bend, at exactly the most important areas.
After some thought, I have reached to the conclusion that the obvious name
"twisted Zeppelin bend" , would not be a accurately descriptive name for this bend. I might be mistaken in this decision, of course. So, for the time being, I think of this knot as
"mark s" bend" 
I post two pictures of the "twice twisted Zeppelin bend", to facilitate an easy comparison. To my eyes, the two knots are, and look, very different, but I can not offer any persuasive explanations about this...Your knot is a very strange animal ! It has something of a domesticated pet that is lost in the wild, and turned into a something resembling its rough ancestors....
( I have no doubt the whole or parts of the structure of this simple interlocked-overhand-knots bend would be also present in some knots in the ABoK, but I do not think that this is of any importance.)