This tread was meant to present "a simpler TackleClamp hitch", and that is exactly what the
Locked Double Cow hitch is. It is not as tight as the original
TackleClamp hitch, and it even uses more material - but it can be tied veeery easily in-the-end AND in-the-bight. Its overall shape and structure is very simple, and very nice, too ( once one has tied it just a few times, it is almost
impossible to forget it... provided he remembers the
Cow hitch, of course

). Even its mere name, by itself, is able to describe the knot quite sufficiently and accurately ( so, it is NOT irrelevant or misleading, as it happens with the names of most other hitches...). Now, the original
TackleClamp hitch can tied easily, ( starting from the
Clove hitch)
only if we are allowed to use
both ends ( i.e. the ends of a relatively short rope - because, to follow this easy to remember and execute method described at (1), we have to tuck both of them once ). To tie the
TackleClamp hitch in-the-end, one has to remember the mnemonic picture, and follow the sequence of moves described at (2), which are not-so-easy to memorize, indeed. ( Dan Lehman, for once, was right on this.. ). To tie the
TackleClamp hitch in-the-bight, it is even more difficult (3), and this was the reason I tried to find something tight but easier to remember how to tie in-the-bight, in the first place - a replacement of the mediocre
Pile hitch, in short... With the
Locked Double Cow hitch, I believe I was lucky to succeed in this, and to meet a most useful and beautiful hitch, able to withstand a lengthwise pull. I do dare to describe it as a
superb knot, although I always measure my words most carefully, when it comes to superlatives...
Of course, an even simpler, two-wrap tight hitch, is the
Locked Single Cow hitch, which is also TIB ( See (4), and the attached pictures ) - another
superb knot 
- and I still wonder why Ashley, who came so near to it with the "similar", yet less tight, well-known ABoK#1683 (5), had not tied it 70 years ago...
1. 3. I have described what I mean by a "tight hitch" = "binder", at (6) and (7) :