When we see a bend where the two links are topologically equivalent to the unknot ( i.e., they are not overhand knots, figure 8 knots or more convoluted knots ), the first thing that crosses our mind is to examine if this bend can serve as a basis for a bowline-like end-of-line loop - because the one link of the bend can be transformed into a more or less simple nipping loop of such a loop, and the other into a more or less simple collared structure, attached on the standing part with the help of this nipping loop.
So it is only natural to examine in such a manner the nice Mike s bend, posted at (1). ( See the attached pictures). Due to the form of this bend, the two ends emerging from the same side are following a different path at their last part - so it makes a difference if we chose the one or the other as the standing end of a bowline-like loop derived from it. Hence we have two possible Mike s bowlines, the A and the B. Let us denote as Mike s bowline (A) the end-of-line loop derived from the Mike s bend shown at the attached pictures, where
the two ends at the left side are connected, and form the eye of the loop - they are transformed into the eye leg of the standing part and the eye leg of the bight of this bowline-like loop.
Although the two links of the parent Mike s bend are not overhand knots or figure 8 knots, their path is quite convoluted - so I thought that, to secure the tail of the derived bowline-like loop, we will need only a part of the one link to play the role of the collared structure, not the whole segment that was used at the parent bend. So I untucked the tail of the Mike s bowline (A) once, and I dressed the remaining knot as a bowline - as an end-of line loop where the form is greatly determined by the 100% loading of the standing end.
Surprize !
What emerged was a Janus secure bowline - actually the Janus C bowline that I have examined some time ago ( see the attached pictures).
Neither the Mike s bend nor any of the many knots of the Janus family of bowlines are "new", but I thought that their relationship is probably unnoticed/unknown, and I decided to present it here.