Author Topic: Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.  (Read 40440 times)


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Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.
« on: January 12, 2013, 03:04:46 PM »
   Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch (1)(2). I call it "3,4 TackleClamp hitch", for the obvious reason it is a 3 wraps hitch, if viewed from the one side, and a 4 wraps hitch, if viewed from the other  :) ( a 3 / 4 wraps Janus hitch... ). However, I believe this name might also serve as a mnemonic trick, so the image and the tying method of the knot can be recalled more easily.
   Rock-solid, of course - just like the original variation (1). The mechanical advantage helps to pre-tension the hitch very efficiently, pulling the two opposing bights the one towards the other with enhanced force, so its round turns will not be able to deform (elongate) much during a lengthwise pull. It can be tied with more wraps, and in a TIB, easy-to-release slipped form, just like the original TackleClamp hitch and the Double Cow hitch - but I have not wished to spoil its beauty  :) , so here I show it only in its most simple form . Although it is not fully symmetric, it retains a certain regular pattern the human brain can grasp, memorize easily, and appreciate . The pleasure a secure, tight and beautiful knot offers can not be overestimated.   
   Evidently, one can tie it making the circular arcs of the 3 wraps side longer, and those of the 4 wraps side shorter - and vice versa. I have chosen to show it in the most "balanced"  form ( the free ends are leaving from diametrically opposite points of the circumference of the pole s cross section ), although it might be difficult to achieve this exact form... one can not predict how long or short would the wraps be, after he has tightened them as hard as he can. One might argue that it would better to have shorter 3 wraps and longer 4 wraps, so the areas of contact between the pole and the rope would be more extended, but that is a debatable issue.
   I prefer to use nylon-based ropes, because I believe that the more stretchy nature of this material keeps the TackleClamp hitches tighter, but a I have seen that they work very well with other meterials, too.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 03:06:26 PM by X1 »


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Re: Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2013, 12:03:36 AM »
I'd like to request some flip side pictures of these if I may?



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Re: Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2013, 03:31:50 AM »
I'd like to request some flip side pictures of these if I may ?

   What do you mean by this ? It is but one and the same knot+pole, and I had taken pictures of it from FOUR different angles...Are they not enough ?  :)
   If 4-views can be misleading ( can they ?) , imagine what happens with the 0-views practiced in this Forum... :)


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Re: Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2013, 04:10:42 AM »
What I mean by flip side is the side that does not show in your pictures.
The views are not misleading at all, I would have just liked to see the opposite side.



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Re: Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2013, 06:23:16 AM »
the side that does not show in your pictures.

   Strictly speaking...there is no other side  :) - there are only two sides, the top and the bottom, or the front and the back. The one has 3 wraps on it, and the other 4.
   However, yes, you are right, the pictures CAN be difficult to understand, indeed, because the interesting details are in between the two sides !  :)
   Do not let me mislead you !  :) It is essentially the same old TackleClamp hitch... where I have lengthened the segments that are now on the 4 wraps side, and shortened the segments which are now on the 3 wraps side. Why did I do this ? Because I thought the hitch would be tighter, if the segments of the side where there are 4 of them, are at least as long as the segments of the side where there all only 3 of them. More rope length, more contact area, better grip. I tried many intermediate and extreme positions, and I had settled in this balanced, beautiful, two sides form shown here ( which is not always easy to obtain from the first attempt !). Of course, one can tie it with the segments on the 4 wraps side even longer, so they will be extended and occupy a portion of the 3 wraps side as well - but I did not wish to destroy the simple pattern : two sides, one with 4 and the other with 3 wraps - a Janus hitch !  :)
  I have tred to take pictures of this "balanced" form of the TackleClamp hitch tied on a transparent "pole", but I am not sure I was succesfull...( it is not so easy, and my transparent pole had a handle on it ! :) I needed the handle to offer some means of "orientation" to the viewer, but I was forced by its location to tie the hitch a little higher than I would have wished...). Anyway, for the time being I post them here, but I will try to take some better pictures some other day.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 06:41:39 AM by X1 »


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Re: Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2013, 06:33:57 AM »
   See the attached picture for the same hitch shown at the previous post, with the same dimensions, where the transparent pole has been removed, and has been replaced by a small-er-diameter stick. The pattern of the TackleClamp hitch is clearly shown...However, it might be difficult to tie the knot so the 4 wraps side and the 3 wraps side would be equal, like it happens at the "balanced" 3,4 TackleClamp hitch. It may need a few attempts, until one gets the "feeling" of how the knot is tightened, and how it is tightened when tied on the particular material at hand - because, in the final, tight form,  the lengths of the segments that mostly belong at the 4 wraps or the 3 wraps sides, depend upon the fiction characteristics of the rope AND the pole.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 06:45:55 AM by X1 »


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Re: Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2013, 04:02:49 PM »
Thank you for your work Constant.
The x-ray view does help.
I found a piece of clear PVC pipe and tied it on and here the result is attached. I can better appreciate the difficulty in photographing using it.

Additionally, the last photo shows the knot with a interesting perspective and may lead me to a mnemonic.



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Re: Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2013, 06:51:24 PM »
   On this particular pole, with this particular rope, I had tied the 3,4 TackleClamp variation starting from the intial arrangement shown in the first attached picture... and then pulling both ends, the one after the other, as hard as I can. However, with another pole and/or another rope, it might not be possible to reach to this "balanced" tight form starting from this arrangement - because with a more or with a less slippery pole and/or rope, the hitch can "close" a little before or a little after it reaches this stage.

   Beautiful picture, Scot ! Congratulations !
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 06:53:53 PM by X1 »


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Re: Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2013, 04:33:23 PM »
with another pole and/or another rope, it might not be possible to reach to this "balanced" tight form starting from this arrangement - because with a more or with a less slippery pole and/or rope, the hitch can "close" a little before or a little after it reaches this stage.

   Right ?
   Wrong !  :)

( In general, it pays if one is right 51% of the times, and wrong "only" 49 %. However, knots are so strange animals, that knot tyers cannot be sure even for this...)

The relative diameters of the rope and the pole play a major role. 
    I have attempted to tie the 3,4 TackleClamp hitch with a paracord, starting from the initial arrangement shown at the attached pictures, the same I used at the pictures shown in my previous post. I had expected that, if tied with tis material, the hitch will "close" quickly, and leave the segments that belong mainly to the 4 wraps side much longer than the ones that belong mainly on the 3 wraps side  - because the paracord is the less slippery rope I have (1), and the multi-coloured rope I used for the hitsh shown at the previous post the most slippery one ! So, I expected that I was able to reach the 3,4 "balanced" form of the TackleClamp hitch shown at the pictures at the previous post only because the multi-coloured rope is so slippery - so it is able to slip easily on the surface of the pole, and through the "locking" bights - while, with the paracord, that would not be the case.
   Well, I was wrong, again. The hitch tied on the paraxord closed after I would have expected, at a stage in between the original TackleClamp hitch and the form presented in this thread. Although the rope was not slippery, and the pole was the same, the "pure" 3,4 TackleClamp hitch form was not available for this material. 
   The only thing left to me to suppose, is what I had mentioned above : that the relative diameters of the rope and the pole play a greater role than one would have expected.

1). Although the material on the external surface of the paracord is slippery, the way it is weaved leaves deep grooves ( relativelly with the grooves on the surface of the multi-coloured rope ), that ought to enhance friction, when one segment of the paracord bites hard another - that is what I thought it would had happened...
« Last Edit: January 15, 2013, 04:52:06 PM by X1 »


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Re: Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2013, 06:13:47 PM »
   This time I had used another rope, of about the diameter of the paracord, but I had also changed something else : starting from the same initial arrangement as before, I tightened this first not-yet-pre-tensioned hitch a little bid, at this stage, by removing as much the slack left in the round turns as I could, without pulling the free ends ! So, the initial arrangement shown in the first attached picture is of one already a-little-tight / not-very-loose knot. Then I pulled the free ends the one after the other against the pole, as always.
   The hitch did not even reached at the 3,4 TacleClamp "balanced" form !  :) It "closed" well before it, and became rock solid before the segments that belong mostly at the 3 wraps side would become as long as the segments that belong to the 4 wraps side. As one can see at the pictures below, the circular arcs at the 3 wraps side are about 50% shorter than the ones at the 4 wraps side ( they span 120 degrees, while those at the 4 wraps side span 240 degrees ).
   So, here is one more thing that determines the form of this hitch : the degree the initial arrangement is tight, before we start pulling the free ends.
   The good thing is that it is probably better to have longer segments on the 4 wraps side than on the 3 wraps side - so it will make no harm if we start from an already tight initial arrangement, before we proceed pretensioning the hitch by pulling its free ends as hard as we can. We may not be able to reach to the beautiful, "balanced" 3,4 TackleClamp hitch form, but we would have tied another rock solid tight hitch - with greater contact area between the round turns of the rope and the surface of the pole than the original TackleClamp hitch.
   The interested reader is kindly requested to tie the hitch on his ropes and poles, and report the form his hitch will reach when it will be pretensioned, starting from a little-bid-tight / not-loose initial arrangement, as the arrangement shown here.


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Re: Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2013, 12:16:09 AM »
   As I see it, the advantage of this variation of the TackleClamp hitch over the original one, is this :
   At the original TackleClamp hitch (1), pulling the ends can sometimes force the two opposing bights to "close" prematurely, before the hitch was given the opportunity to be tightened as much as possible. In this variation, this will never happen. We may be not able to tighten it so it settles to the exact "balanced" form, where the 3 wraps side and the 4 wraps side are equal, but only to a form where the segments of the round turns of the 3-side will be longer or shorter than those of the 4-side - but there is no danger for the hitch to "close" before we will be able to drive it to its maximally tight stage.



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Re: Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2013, 04:30:01 PM »
   Tied on another "rope". Although the "kern" slips inside the "mantle", the hitch was been able to "close" quickly, and become rock solid. The 3 wraps side remained much less extended than the 4 wraps one ( See the attached pictures), even if the surface or the "rope" was quite slippery. I believe that this was due to the softness of the "mantle", that enabled the material to be flattened and the friction on the pole/rope contact areas to be enhanced -  so the round turns were less prone to slip on the surface of the pole, and transform the "initial arrangement" more than they actually did. 
   Im this thread I show TackleClamp hitches tied on their simplest form, so the reader would be able to concentrate on the essentials. I have not shown multi-wrap or slipped versions of those hitches, although, most probably, those are the more useful forms. The reader should know that, if he ties a non-slipped version and he tightens it as much as he can, it would be difficult to loosen the knot afterwards. So, it is better to tie this extremely tight hitch very near the end of the pole, so when he wishes to release it, he will be able to do it easily, without loosen it - just by pushing the first round turn out of the end of the pole.


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Re: Another variation of the TackleClamp hitch.
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2013, 04:33:22 PM »
  A picture of the side view of the the tight hitch ( one can see a part of the 2 wraps sude and a part of the 4 wraps side ), where I have included the ends of this rope.  :)


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Starting from the Clove hitch...
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2013, 10:40:44 PM »
   To distinguish the two forms ( I do not know if we can speak of two "variations" ) of the TackleClamp hitch, I call the one presented in this thread as (3,4) TackleClamo hitch ( to denote that the 3 wraps side is smaller or equal to the 4 wraps side ), and the one presented earlier (1) as (4,3) TackleClamp hitch ( the 4 wraps is the smaller side, and the 3 wraps is the larger - which might indicate that the form presented in the present thread, except from being less prone to "close" prematurely (2), has also a greater gripping potential )

the last photo shows the knot with a interesting perspective and may lead me to a mnemonic.

  I can never imagine how people prefer to tie knots - because it seems that everybody ties the same knots in a different way !
  In this post I suggest an easy to remember and implement "mnemonic" , starting from the Clove hitch - in the case where both ends are accessible. Of course, in practical situations this is seldom the case, but to learn how the knot is working one has to tie it a number of times ( I myself need at least a dozen times to "get" any knot...), so I believe that this mnemonic can serve as an educational aid. When the interested reader will follow the sequence of pictures, step by step, he will tie the hitch easily,and then he will be able to appreciate its beauty, security, tightness and gripping power. Then, it is up to him to fall in love with this knot ( as I did), or not - and if he does, I am sure he will discover MANY other ways to handle it, as we always do with the things we really like.

   Just follow the attached pictures.( I had added some comments on each of them, but now I see they are redundant...So, no (more) comments / blah blah !   :))
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 12:32:18 AM by X1 »


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Starting from the Clove hitch...
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2013, 10:42:37 PM »