with another pole and/or another rope, it might not be possible to reach to this "balanced" tight form starting from this arrangement - because with a more or with a less slippery pole and/or rope, the hitch can "close" a little before or a little after it reaches this stage.
Right ?
Wrong !

( In general, it pays if one is right 51% of the times, and wrong "only" 49 %. However, knots are so strange animals, that knot tyers cannot be sure even for this...)
The relative diameters of the rope and the pole play a major role. I have attempted to tie the 3,4 TackleClamp hitch with a paracord, starting from the initial arrangement shown at the attached pictures, the same I used at the pictures shown in my previous post. I had expected that, if tied with tis material, the hitch will "close" quickly, and leave the segments that belong mainly to the 4 wraps side much longer than the ones that belong mainly on the 3 wraps side - because the paracord is the
less slippery rope I have (1), and the multi-coloured rope I used for the hitsh shown at the previous post the
most slippery one ! So, I expected that I was able to reach the 3,4 "balanced" form of the TackleClamp hitch shown at the pictures at the previous post only because the multi-coloured rope is so slippery - so it is able to slip easily on the surface of the pole, and through the "locking" bights - while, with the paracord, that would not be the case.
Well, I was wrong, again. The hitch tied on the paraxord closed
after I would have expected, at a stage in between the original TackleClamp hitch and the form presented in this thread. Although the rope was not slippery, and the pole was the same, the "pure" 3,4 TackleClamp hitch form was not available for this material.
The only thing left to me to suppose, is what I had mentioned above : that the relative diameters of the rope and the pole play a greater role than one would have expected.
1). Although the material on the external surface of the paracord is slippery, the way it is weaved leaves deep grooves ( relativelly with the grooves on the surface of the multi-coloured rope ), that ought to enhance friction, when one segment of the paracord bites hard another - that is what I thought it would had happened...