Am I the only one here who has better luck with the trusty Pipe Hitch?
I believe that you are the only one that ties a Pipe hitch with n wraps, and compare it with a TackleClamp hitch with n-x wraps...

(x = greater, much greater, than 2...). It may also be the case that you do not pre-tension the TackleClamp hitch, because, if you are accustomed to the Pipe hitch, you tend to tie those two knots with the same way... that is, leave them loose, and wait till they will be tensioned by themselves only afterwards, by the lengthwise pull, through the standing end. You have to pull both ends of the TackleClamp hitch, while with the Pipe hitch you can not do this - even if you wish !
I can easily move X's hitches lengthwise but simply can't budge a four turn Pipe Hitch....someone chime in here, tell me you're experiencing the same thing???
I experience exactly the opposite !

I do not see many 4 wraps Pipe hitches in the illustrations of this knot, probably because a 4 wraps Pipe hitch is such a poor gripping hitch... ABoK#504 has 12 (twelve) wraps, ABoK#1760 has 7 (seven), and ABoK#1761 has 10 (ten). So, I believe that you are the only one who has ever tied a 4 wraps Pipe hitch, that was not able to be budged - or you are the only one that was not able to budge a four wraps Pipe hitch !

I believe you did not understand that, in this thread, I have presented only the TackleClamp hitch with the minimum number of wraps to facilitate the learning of it - and I also believe that you have not tied the (3,4) TackleClamp hitch with the same number of wraps you tie the Pipe hitch, or whatever other common gripping hitch you compare to it. You said that
. I can actually get some of these variations to move diagonally when using paracord on a lengthwise pull on slick surfaces....I couldn't on your original work.
The "original" work and the present work are one and the same thing ! The only difference is the relative size of the 3 wraps, compared to the 4 wraps. At a (3,4) TackleClamp hitch, we have longer 4 wraps and shorter 3 wraps than at a (4,3) TackleClamp hitch ( the "original" hitch) - so it is even tighter than the "original", where you said could not move the round turns diagonally...
Tie all the hitches you wish to compare with the same number of wraps, and
then jump into conclusions !

If you have speared a minute to read my previous posts or look at my previous pictures, you would have seen/read the ones with the paracord... I have tied those hitches on
dozens of different materials. However, I always say that they work better with the nylon-based ones, especially if they involve more than the minimum 3 1/2 wraps - although that is something
expected, not actually
When the TackleClamp hitch is even
compared with the Pipe hitch, I can not but smile...

The Pipe hitch is inferior even to the simple-hitch-a-la-Gleipnir, because its two ends can not pulled towards each other and secured in place, before the load is applied - the Pipe hitch is not a "tight" hitch. So, when a lengthwise force is applied, the round turns at the former tend to become much more elogngated ( elliptical) than at the later, and so their gripping power is diminished. Now, the TackleClamp hitch is superior even to to the simple-hitch-a-la-Gleipnir, simply because this beneficial pre-tensioning of the round turns is enhanced even more by the mechanical advantage.
However, I am not going to "defend" the TackleClamp hitch, simply because I am not able to do this - it is a
superb knot, that is not on my level. There will always be people that, for their own, personal reasons, will try to deny the miraculous potential of this hitch, and they will "condemn" it, or they will keep silent on it,
hoping that it will be forgotten !

( I do not believe they are so short-sighted to
expect it will ever be forgotten...). I have seen a similar "problematic" behaviour with the Gleipnir, or the Symmetric Sheet bend - so I am prepared to expect
something like this with the TackleClamp hitch. In fact, it was "
something like this " that helped me meet this hitch in the first place ! Knot4u was arguing that the Pipe hitch is better than the simple hitch-a-la-Gleipnir, and I thought that an ever tighter hitch would be one where the two ends would not only be kept tightly close to each other ( as at a "tight" hitch, where the standing end is secured ("locked") just like the tail), but they would be also brought to an ever tighter arrangement by the utilization of a mechanical advantage (1)(2)(3). So, who knows, may be the next guy who will question, for whatever reason, the tightest hitch we have to this day, will help me meet something even tighter, in this vast KnotLand !

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