Author Topic: A simple loop based on the Clove hitch / the reversed Buntline hitch  (Read 5598 times)


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  I had never seen this Clove hitch / reversed Buntline nipping structure, placed at such an almost right angle to the axis of the loop - so I was surprized by its sure, tight grip on the returning eye leg. The most simple loop I had tried ( from a number of different knots  based on the same nipping structure ), is shown at the attached picture. Although at first sight it might look like a very loose, and not so stable a knot, when it is set up and loaded, it shrinks to a tight, secure, compact, and very stable form. Moreover, due to its resemblance to the Buntline hitch ( it needs only one additional re-tucking of the tail, in between the standing part s and the returning eye leg s first curves - a reasonable move one would have expected ), it is easy to remember.

   The Clove hitch wrapped around a compressible object (one or more segments of rope) can jam. If one needs a "similar" loop that will not jam under alternating heavy loading, he should better replace the Clove hitch with a Girth / Cow hitch.
   For another non-jamming loop, see also :
« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 11:59:24 AM by X1 »


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Re: A simple loop based on the Clove hitch / the reversed Buntline hitch
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 05:03:03 PM »
... re-tucking of the tail, in between the standing part s and the returning eye leg s first curves

   If one follows this description, he would drive the (white) tail "over" the (white) returning eye leg, not "under" it, as it is shown at the first picture -  and "under" it, not "over" it, as it is shown at the second. The situation is similar to the two variations ( the "under" and the "over") of each "Eskimo" bowline ( the "left hand" and the "right hand" ). Regarding the "Eskimo" bowline(s), I always prefer and tie the variations where the tail passes "under" the returning eye leg - but in this post-eye-tiable eyeknot, I am not so sure ... If we tie it as shown in the pictures, although the tail will not be squeezed "under" the returning eye leg, it will, nevertheless, be nipped by the rim of the first nipping loop - while, if we follow the verbal description ( which, theoretically, seems more reasonable, indeed ) the tail will settle in the "soft point" of the nipping loop, near its crossing point - where, been covered /"protected" by the overlying returning eye leg, it will not be squeezed and bitten by the standing part s first curve very hard. The interested reader is kindly requested to tie and load both variations, and comment about the advantages and disadvantages of each.


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Re: A simple loop based on the Clove hitch / the reversed Buntline hitch
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2013, 02:16:50 AM »
For what it's worth  my opinion, I like: simple, stable(unexpectedly, as you said), and with a clean look(actually I'm not adding anything to what you've already written, but I equally want to express my appreciation!).


