Author Topic: The Locked Cow hitch and the ABoK#1683 : the day and the night !  (Read 6489 times)


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    I had devised a simple method, to offer a proof of the fact that the "Locked" Cow hitch is a much, much more "tight" hitch than the ABoK#1683 (1)(2).
    I have tied them on the two ends of the same rope, around the same pole, and dressed them and then tightened them by pulling their standing ends with the same force, simultaneously, by pulling the "bridge", the bight that connects their two Stranding ends together. I had repeated the same experiment over and over again, always  with the same eye-opening results !
    The interested and careful reader can "see" the difference, by seeing the difference of the shapes of the corresponding Cow hitch bights in the two knots. The bight of the Locked Cow hitch at the left, was forced to become completely U shaped, and its two legs were completely straightened out, and became almost parallel to each other. On the contrary, the bight of the ABoK#1683 at the right was not forced to "close" so much, it remained horseshoe shaped, not U shaped, and its two legs retained a certain amount of curvature, induced by the stiff and springy nature of the material used.
    Another proof, which , unfortunately, I can not communicate to the reader, is the funny high pitch noises the Locked Cow hitch made during tightening, while it was squeezing the PVC pole - it was screaming, while the ABoK#1683 was only whispering... :)
   Why did Ashley missed this most simple hitch, while he investigated many similar ones ? I guess we will never find out...Why all the knot tyers after Ashley repeated this mistake ? I suppose this is something we should have learned by now... Parooting is an endemic and contagious disease of the knot tying community ! Therefore, I have no doubt that this will go on, that nobody ( well, almost nobody...) will ever tie and compare those two hitches side by side, as I did, and that nobody will ever "see", explain and understand the huge difference in their structure ( the standing end of the Locked Cow hitch is squeezed in between two opposed bights, by the well known and most efficient locking mechanism, while the Standing end of the ABoK#1683 uses the legs of those bights only as simple riding turns...).
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 08:52:07 AM by X1 »


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Re: The Locked Cow hitch and the ABoK#1683 : the day and the night !
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2014, 04:19:06 PM »
  To save by spinal cord ( well, anything left out of it - I had injured it repeatedly, pulling the Standing Ends of various tight hitches...), I devised this elementary thing, which, believe it or not, I had never tried till now ! :-[  Had I utilized it, pharmaceutical companies selling anti-inflammatory drugs would had been in a much worse financial shape...
  I just tie the hitch around the middle of short pole or pipe, and I hang this hitched toggle from somewhere, so it remains just a few centimetres above the floor ( for safety reasons !  :)) ( The distance depends on the material, and the height from which I hang it - with more nylon-based / stretchy materials, and with higher anchor points, one need to leave more space between the pole and the floor ). Then, I step on the pole, placing the one foot on the one and the other on the other side of it, and balance my body weight in this position, holding the line, like we see in circuses !  :)  Of course, I could tie two hitches, on two lines, at the two ends of the pole, but then the tensioning force would have been divided by two - and I want my tight hitches as hardly pre-tightened as possible !  :)
  The interested reader can try this gymnastics in the case of the Locked Cow hitch, and see how tight it can become, without any signs of slippage of the Standing or Tail End, even long after the load / body weight has been removed. 
This is not a knot.

