We can distinguish two broad classes of similar hitches, depending on the way the loaded / Standing end is entangled to the Central / main bight.
1. If the former
goes through the later, the problem is how to secure the remaining end ( = the unloaded / Tail end ) within this entanglement.
2. If it does not, but instead it is "hanged" by another, secondary bight formed on the unloaded / Tail end - which secondary bight is now the one which goes through the Central / main bight -, the problem is how this secondary bight will not open up.
{ Regarding the hitches which belong to the first class, there is a very simple way to solve the problem : we can always secure the unloaded / tail end firmly, by making it pass through the two loaded opposing U s : the U formed at the tip of the Central / main bight, and the U formed at the tip of the right angle deflexion of the loaded / Standing end. See, at the attached pictures, two very simple ways - among the many possible ones - this simple method can be implemented ( Hitches 2 and 3 ). Also, see how the way the problem is solved in a simplified
Andalusian hitch ( Hitch A )(1).}
I believe that, as your hitch belongs to the second class, the problem it has to solve is more difficult - so, if it does solve it in a simple, new way, it should be regarded as a new knot, indeed.