But I do want to point out that there were two knots on the previous thread
Oh, goodness, two-per-minute via Xarax!*
Yes, I think I'd inklings of that, though got to the
"coming back full circle" to an original suggestion.
(*One or more of what Xarax has newly posted under
the "Rectangular Bend" thread look to offer a way
of employing double nipping loops to lock the tails.
Some of the dressing & setting can be tricky.)
The tails are in the center of a spiral constricting loop
which causes them to be held very tight well before there is any force
that would tend to pull them out.
Yes, that's my design goal, here. Among the
versions that might be devised are altering the
particular comings'n'goings / directions to try to
avoid *sympathetic* pulling on adjacent parts
that would aid their movement to slip. I was
working in a braided B&W line that made it esp.
hard to tell what was what (in contrast to the
clear images w/contrasting-colors rope shown
by Xarax, e.g. --though even then, it can be
difficult if the knot's not "exploded" for view).
I think that one part has potential "assist" in
such adjacency, but the tails go opposite this.
But, yes, again, the thought was that in the
mere U-turns, although tails were trapped
--by virtue of
both "U"s-- there was less
compressing about them than will come if the
binding is opposed "O"s that contract.
Also, there is a lot going on in the center so the standing ends
come in and make a most gentle bend
making a large full circle before they experience a sharp bend.
Whereas I think that greatest strength in some
materials might come from making compression
against the S.Part over a broad area, off-loading
force (so to speak) gradually, the slickness of HMPE
suggests that it's a joke to try for this --or to of
necessity use a huge quantity of rope & binding,
as each part will do only so little, given slickness--;
so, back to just going for a larger radius of bending.
It is really big though :-)
At least until push comes to shove, at forces way
higher than conventional materials experience.
(It used to be said, by way of explaining why hi-mod
cordage did poorly with knots in strength (this assumes
that the knots hold, of course), that the material,
the fibres, were "weak in compression". I suggested
that this wasn't fair, and that the fibres sustained
forces higher than conventional materials,
absolute terms --force per diameter, i.e.--, but that
they were sooo much stronger in tension that the
rupture forces worked out to a small percentage of
Incidentally, eyeknots have seemed to be stronger
than end-2-end knots in some testings : e.g., there
was a fellow using a truck's force to do A-vs-B testing
of end-2-end knots and he used
fig.8 eyeknots (of
some orientation), and
they never broke !!! (!?)
One way of mimicking the workings of an eyeknot,
where one might reason that the S.Part can be more
gently/carefully handled because the TWO eyelegs
oppose it and they can compromise as they need only
sustain 50% (together, 100%),
is to have each end begin an eyeknot and then reach
out to complete it in the other end's beginning,
"Twin bowlines" as show in
ABOKis a paradigm of this. Oddly, in the aforementioned
testing, this structure was tested with
fig.8 knots
and yet ... the specimen-anchoring
fig.8 knots
--and, IIRC, some other(!)-- survived, the
"twin fig.8s"end-2-end stucture being what brokef! That doesn't
make good sense to me, beyond some statistical
anomaly, as such an end-2-end knot should have
the same behavior as the eyeknot!?
(I.e., the
fig.8 eyeknots never broke and yet
some end-2-end knot was stronger than essentially
the same
fig.8 tied in end-2-end function. One
could surmise that in end-2-end knotting there was
some imbalanced loading not found in the eyes.)