By which you mean, I presume, somebody who is believed
to have first tied the knot
Had anyone been fiddling with the jug sling structure,
a knot that dates fom the ancient times,
which comes between the end of the line and inline Cask,
it is more likely that he might had come across to it.
Sometimes it is in front of our eyes but the mind is not prepared for it yet.
Lonnnnnnnnng ago I played with variations on a Fig.8
base, where the Returning Eye Leg ran straight back
through the knot, to then put in --what seemed natural
to borrow from the BWL-- a collar around the SPart,
tucking back through the knot. Well, at that point
of collaring ..., Just Say NO! :: i.e., stop and be done,
having there tied (what I call) the "Quick8" !! --which
knot can be given a nice further securing by arcing
the tail back to make one more tuck, out between
the eye legs at their entry/departure point.
Recently, it is (what I'm calling) the "Tail-Loaded BWL"
(TLB / TLBwl), which is #1010 loaded on its tail --which
loading, NB, is not so simple as stated; i.e., the tail must
be brought back on the one not other side of the knot,
so as to get more of a nipping LOOP vs. arc (which e.g.
the Crabber's Eye Knot has)!
Of course, the BWL has been before us for ages; only
this year (or 2021) have I seen that SOMEone has found
another way to use that tangle; I'm hoping to be able
to learn who & how. (Conceivably, some person thought
that they were tying #1010 and ... emerged with the TLBwl
instead, and found it satisfactory IN SOFT WEBBING.)