(2) the pdf file is HUGE, and not so broadly available and obtainable to all (not by
my phoneline, methinks), and
(3) hardly all of those who could benefit from the Improved Index are going to be
using computers vice hardcopy Ashley anyway, for various reasons.
So at most one could cast this pdf conjecture as a case of the Perfect being an
Enemy of the Good, and I'd like to avoid that. (Besides, it gives a nice reason to
go more carefully through & into ABOI than one is likel to do otherwise,
finding all sorts of entertainment!)
I say, stop waiting for Godot,
let's Go!

Ok I'm convinced. Here's my first offering, put up for comment and amendment by you all. Took a long time to get this far, but I hope it makes sense-----
Preliminary ABOK index project entry for the ?Sheet Bend?. This index should be regarded as a ?Wiki? style entry, peer reviewed and editable by all.
Knot Name and #number for main entry shown in bold type: e.g.
Sheet Bend #1431Primary forms of the knot including odd or trick tyings that result in the same knot shown thus : page no.#ABOK no. i.e. ppp#aaaa
Secondary forms eg double sheet bend, weavers knot etc. where the search term is used shown thus : (ppp#aaaa). Other secondary forms may be found where the search term is not used. Any such found can be added later.
References to the knot in other entries shown thus : [ppp#aaaa]
References to the knot in the general text, page no. only shown thus: {ppp}
Where text and diagram occur on facing pages shown thus: pp/pp#aa.
Where several #no.s on a page refer to the same knot shown thus: pp#aa/aa/aa/aa/
Combinations of the above may be used where appropriate.
Entries ordered by page number. Glossary and Index entries shown thus <ppp, ppp.>
Sheet Bend #1431: 9#1(2), {11}, 16/17#64/65/66/67[68], 18#72/78, [35#177], [46#253], [54#335], [55#336], (64#402), (78#485/488), (79#490/492), [188#1034.5], 222#1223, [258#1410], (259#1418), [260#1424/1425a],
262#1431(1432)1433(1435)1436(1437)(1438), (263#1440), (264#1449), 265#1461, 266#1437, 270#1497/1501, 272#1522/1523, {273}, 274#1550, [316#1900], (324#1988), 324#1990, 326/327#2005, 412#2562,
<597-Barbers Knot, 602-Sailors Knot, 610-Double SB, 613-Left-hand SB, 615-Right-hand SB, 616-SB, 618-Toggled SB, 619-Triple SB, Tucked SB.>
so if this takes off, how do you propose we store and make available the results?