i applaud all of your efforts and force thrown forwards.
The 3d effect in these 2dimensions has all ways been tough. Especially the amount of times a line has to change depth and proving it by wrapping around, through other lines in a knot lacing, then hold and not move (where the eye can really take scrutiny). i also think until Flash etc. comes up with a vectorized real time 3d, the file sizes will be large (and thus slow download speed). But, then vectorized, gives computer commands, not pictures, so it is more cpu intensive/draining on resources in trade for the small filesize (of commands) that give the lower download speeds. So, this all depends on the end user, and what their strengths are (cpu and or connection speed) in ratio to demands of the particular strategy. Real time 3d has a lot steeper l-earning curve too IMLHO. Thus, presently i think the 2 dimensions faked to 3 with masking and shading is presently
As far as categorizing; i think it should be a front of the shop/ back of the shop type. In an electronics shop, the sorting for the customer sales and use, might not be the same as the back of the shop. A rope to me, is like a conducting device; like a wire is to electricity. The conducting device, carries the force if there is the equal and opposite calling it on the other end. A front of the shop, might have a more external, end user sorting. But the back of the shop, might sort stuff apart in components, or how those components lace together. They might know stuff down to the resistor, and how each resistor can take such a load and have such an effect to train and focus power to their bidding. Also, how this component can be bound with others. i think if you look at knots to understand them, you should do so into families by their properties and base components, like a periodic table, just to begin. Then, also; this would bear out families suited to different things, or component strategies that are added to other knot base configurations to alter, add to, or just be named different. The proper categorizing is important to get those borders in head, to then share observations of one amongst like types; thereby increasing all observations assigned for each; and making each observation more worthy to be taken. Then, keep taking this knwledge to higher levels as it is unwrapped and digested, rinse and repeat as necessary. As we have done with all else we take seriously in the sciences. For, to me; this is science, with sines, cosines, frictions, efficiencies, deformations etc.; only the conducted force through the rope pipeline is in this case mechanical; just not the more familiar animations to see of electrical, water, pneumatic nor hydraulic conducted forces. For force, is the only thing that can cause something to move, or stop something from moving. And once ya know the ropes, they certainly do that!