Author Topic: Another Step Forward  (Read 87708 times)


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Re: Another Step Forward
« Reply #75 on: January 23, 2009, 07:53:23 AM »
Good morning Gentlemen,

As I will be posting elsewhere, please accept my apologies for not being around for a few weeks, my home was severely hit by illnesses and I myself was ill for 3 weeks.  I am just this week getting back into real life.

I would just like to make note that a concern was expressed that this subject digressed a bit too far out of knotting and into programming.  That was about a week ago, and I wasn't able to respond at the time.

Having read - and completely not understood very much - the five pages of discussion, I felt that the following was appropriate as a mediation:

A significant development is clearly well in progress in the representation of knots by computer graphics and image-making.  This is a field which the mainstream of knotters may not be aware of or able to assist in, but it is nonetheless an area in which the Guild is proud to have members whose dual skills are blended so effectively.  However, I feel that the Practical Knots board is not the most appropriate home for this discussion, since although the knots themselves are practical, the discussion creating their representation is very specialised.

By way of allowing all their fair say and space to say it I will gladly make this thread (as being the most active most recently) the first entry of a new board entitled Knot Theory and Computing, which I have today asked Mel to create.  I know that elements of knot theory may appear in ordinary discussions on any board.  That's not a problem, and helps us amateurs to grow in the craft.  This board is for those who really want to get the knot between their teeth and shake it apart, either literally, figuratively, or binarily.

I have also asked Mel to move this discussion into it's new home.  Feel free to put up curtains, paintings, lay carpet, etc, guys!  Don't forget the comfy sofa, well stocked kitchen and the PC   ;)

If anyone feels that there is another, historic thread which should be rehomed, please drop me a PM and I'll send it over.




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Re: Another Step Forward
« Reply #76 on: January 29, 2009, 11:58:29 AM »

Just checking if you received the new version that I emailed you on Sunday, as well as the follow-up issues and questions.



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Re: Another Step Forward
« Reply #77 on: February 15, 2009, 05:06:52 PM »
If I am alone, so be it, but an update of the progress would be surely welcomed.

I hope this endeavor succeeds for all the right reasons, such as a pleasurable journey into the unknown, a voyage of learning with the ever evolving outcome being a repository of universally understood descriptions and cataloging of knots.



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Re: Another Step Forward
« Reply #78 on: February 18, 2009, 06:14:57 PM »
Derek and I have been adding new features and trying out different ideas offline.  We're working the kinks out of our new feature set, and then we'll post a new version for testing and suggestions.



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Re: Another Step Forward
« Reply #79 on: February 18, 2009, 07:16:41 PM »
Ahhh, there is life yet.  ;)

Terrific, I had thought I heard a screeching halt.

Thanks for the hard work in advance. I think the members of the knotting world will benefit from your labors.

Hopefully this will aid the cataloging of the known knots one day and make it somewhat easier to recognize what is new, if there is such a thing.



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Re: Another Step Forward
« Reply #80 on: February 19, 2009, 12:34:14 PM »

Glad you're carrying on with this as Derek has withdrawn unfortunately. Derek and I had discussed the ABOK index project and he was going to add the overs index and the binary signature (in decimal because of length) to the spreadsheet using the utility you're developing. The idea is to record Ashley and then add knots not in Ashley so we start to build a complete computer index of knots. Unfortunately I haven't had any volunteers to help yet so this might take a long time!



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Re: Another Step Forward
« Reply #81 on: April 19, 2009, 02:36:43 PM »
Derek and I have renamed the "FCB" program to "KnotMaker," and I started a new topic for the enhanced tool:


