Hi dear all, base on the characteristics of the ABOK#1426, I beleive the Rigger's Bend #1425A was a modification bend from #1426. Comments are welcome.
Hi siriuso,
if we talk about tying methods, to my mind the 1425A is close to #1452 too.
In my (old) italian edition of the ABoK there isn't a 1425A and when I knew the Hunter's Bend I drew its diagram as #1452bis.
(if you want you can stop and think about it, if you already don't know it, or you can go ahead

They differ "only" in the exit of the tails: I mean the Ashley's Bend (#1452) and
the Hunter's Bend are composed by 2 like-handed loops, the WorkingEnds of
the second loop enters from the same side of the other WE but the 2 ends
exit from the same side in Ashley's and from the opposite sides in
Please try tying these 8 bends (perhaps you already have done this):
start from a first loop, then tie another loop entering in the first in
- 2 possible ways (the WE of the second loop enters from the same side of
the WE of the first loop or from the opposite side)
then tie
- 2 possible different handed loops then consider
- 2 possible ways the WE/tails exit from the central part of the 2 loops
(you can see also
http://igkt.net/sm/index.php?topic=3204.msg19380#msg19380 )
However I don't understand too why the Hunter's Bend was named #1425A,
#1425 is the reverse of the false Zeppelin X (X=crossed tails),
(maybe I was able by changing some crossing to obtain a reverse Hunter's Bend but now I don't remember how

p.s. Perhaps Ashley didn't like bends with ends exiting from opposite sides...there are only a few of them in ABoK and often they are for using with twine!?