As you might know, the IGKT meeting October 2009 will be in the USA.
For those people who want to meet but do not want to travel to the USA, there is an alternative meeting.
As every last Saturday of the month (except December) the Haven Museum Rotterdam invites all knot tyers, specially the members of the IGKT, to come.
On the Saturday, 31st of October 2009 there will be a Knot day in the Museum.
In fact, the people will be welcome from Friday, 30th of October 2009 in the morning until Sunday 1st of November 2009 late afternoon.
For this special weekend our normal meeting will be extra big, with an extra hall so all members can bring knot work to show, and there will be space enough to sit, tie knots and chat.
The boat De Hoop will be open as usual.
Visitors to the museum will also be welcome to walk in and see what is going on.
You can find some info about the museum on: information about the town can be found on the website of the tourist information offices: get a view on what our monthly meetings looks like, visit the website of one of our members, Andre van der Zalm: is the page with the full collection of photos, just click on one of the dates and enjoy: during the meeting we hope to have people manning De Hoop, and most of the time we will also be in the Verolme Paviljoen, which is one of the buildings of the museum.
Rotterdam is a town with many hotels, ranging from rather cheap to very expensive.
It will not be possible to stay overnight on the premises, but for a small number of people, staying at members homes, either during the meeting, or before and/or after, will be possible.
Let us know, so we can make arrangements.
It will also be possible to arrange day trips to knot related places, again, let us know.
A more detailed program will be published nearer the time of the meeting, including details like the restaurant for our dinner, times the place will be open, how to travel to the meeting and which daytrips we think might interest you.
If you need to book your time of work early, book a few days extra, there will be enough to fill your time.
On behalf of the Dutch members of the IGKT,
Was posted on 31-10-2008, but got lost somehow.