Hi Marvin, I wish you luck: but all the manila I've seen is oiled. It really isn't too ofensive. I've some cotton 5/8" which is raw (that is untreated). The sort of stuff than hand rails and baracades in theaters are made from. Sisal is frequently laid up raw (which is called "WATER LAID", but seldom in larger sizes than 1/4" up to 1/2". Try contacting Des Pawson or Marty Combs and if they can't find it you are probably not going to find it. Just in passing; what use to you have that a bit of oil will matter? I know you said "indoor" but I use tarred hemp and every other line ever made indoor or out so I am puzzled. Is the odor offensive? Is the transfer of oil to unoiled surfaces offensive? Where are we intended to help you go?