So the working end (or at least a bight) would be fed through the middle of the knot before it was tightened, right?
I can see that there are many more variations than I had thought of!
My question is what exactly is the benefit of this variation. It sounds like it might be more stable.
Would it be less prone to jamming, since removing the bight from the belly?
I still don't see how it's better in terms of the cost/benefit ratio.
Why not #1020, the top (SPart-end) of which got copied in the image of #1018, for that matter?
My offering is like 1020 but with the bight run across through the spine, as you understand.
Yes, I think that it would better resist jamming.
As for quick tying, what I've just described is a slipped Anglers Loop (#1017),
which can be tied quickly in the bight, entirely (one just lays a bight vs. end
across the initial loop before pulling the eye-bight through to complete the knot.
And realizing the kinship between the Angler's/Perfection Loop and that eyeknot
named "Dragon" of "Double Dragon" notoriety one can step over to a surely less
jammable knot, slipping the single Dragon, and putting the slip-bight around
the eye-bight (if that's comforting and accepatble for untying--requiring that that
action is reversible, rather than simply immediately pulling the end to spill the knot).
There are trade-offs with slack-security here, depending upon cordage.