Update: The knot notation is near finalization but the automation is indefinitely stalled. Although I began with the program and finished the planning, the actual programming was too extensive to finish by myself. The notation can still be used to record knot moves, but is currently unable to automate the drawing of knots for computer programs; which would have been nice and a huge time saver.
My webpage :
http://www.whatsthesequency.com/knot.html provides the current knot notation with better explanations than before. I still need feedback from people about any confusion with the notation.
The following is the original discussionHello,
New guy here bringing new ideas.I have read these boards and I see that folks have no standard, concise way of describing how to tie a knot. I have worked on a notation which is adapted from Thomas Fink and Yong Mao's notation for tying tie knots.
My notation:
http://www.whatsthesequency.com/knot.htmlThe notation may have a few iffy areas, for example some terms (section) still do not have clear definitions.
It may be helpful to view Fink and Mao's Nature article to understand the basis of their notation:
http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~tmf20/TIES/PAPERS/paper_nature.pdfComparing their Four-in-Hand notation to my Four-in-Hand notation will probably be the best help in understanding my notation.
Quick explanation, (correction:this quick explanation is incomplete):
L-Left turn, left offset
R-Right turn, right offset
1-Penetrate the first loop
i-into the page (away from you), sometimes over
o-out of the page (toward you), sometimes under
x-performed on an object (e.g. a stick, metal road, hook, etc.)
subscript (for R or L)
1 - performed on first section of rope
subscript (for R or L)
-2 - performed on second to last section of rope
Quick practical examples of my notation:
Clove Hitch: LixRoxi1Loxo-1Clove hitch: L
oxi-1Four in Hand: L
i2Icicle Hitch: R
i1This notation has many possible benefits:
1. Concise explanation on how to tie knots
2. Revealing patterns - notice the alternating R,L pattern - in knots to:
a. analyse knot integrity
b. design knots
3. To my knowledge, the notation is structured to have only one interpretation, therefore it cannot be misinterpreted.
If you have ever worked in physics (Electromagnetics) then this notation isn't too hard to understand, otherwise it may take a little while to get use to.
-Michael Ohene