Yes, basically it would entail hosting the pages on a different URL. In the case of the Index, I would also clean up some of the junk code and formatting that was generated by the site editor and make the internal links relative so the whole thing would be more portable.
There's a Unix tool called
wget which will recursively download a site and then automagically perform most of the tasks you mention above (other than cleanup up the formatting issues.) Using this tool I have created what is effectively a standalone copy of the NNI site within a single folder/directory which is both viewable locally with a browser (by clicking on the index.html file) as well as easily republishable on any other normal web hosting service. Since roo's comment about it being okay to "cache a copy of the site" was somewhat ambiguous, I will hold off on posting links to this stuff until this is clarified. Since it is now in a very portable form, roo may also wish to reassess the difficulty of continuing to provide this site on another service. I'll be PMing roo a link to a .zip file containing site in a moment.
And, incidentally, unless the material is officially released by roo into the public domain, or freely licensed with something like one of the
Creative Commons licenses, it will technically be in copyright limbo if people just start copying/mirroring it around willy-nilly...