7. Ashley Stopper (Oysterman's) - my picture is correct at:
For you persistent doubters (Dan?) I have prepared a demo at:
Alan, I am not a "doubter": I know well how to tie the knot, as I've repeatedly
shown in this discussion; and I've repeatedly tried to guide others to the very fine
knot. That you persist in your misunderstanding makes me really wonder where it
is that the communication breaks down to you? It is SUCH a SIMPLE knot,
after all!
I'm sorry that you went to the trouble a demonstration for me, but given those
images, I'll try one more time--but it should be OBVIOUS to any who actually TIE
the knots that you and Ashley present that you have DIFFERENT knots, and the
imposters fail miserably to give the wonderful trefoil stopper face of Ashley's #526.
Please re-read my prior directions!!
Throwing more words after those, though, let me take you endmost images from
your demonstration, viz.#1 & 8.
Actually, let me firstly remark at your COMPARE image: why do you compare the
(wrong) knot from some other site to what you derive by manipulation instead of
comparing with Ashley's own image, which you have as #1?! THAT is a telling
point, perhaps? Actually, I now see that
www.physiks.helsinki.fi has it RIGHT, and
you've misrepresented that image by reversing ALL crossings of the Overhand
component: in the original, the end & SPart cross OVER the side of the Overhand,
and the SPart bight's legs cross Under the Overhand's side; in yours, it's exactly
the opposite, but you kept the crossings for the end (arrowed in original).
Anyway, COMPARE #1 (526) with #2/#8 (what you manipulate to): note that the
Overhand components--the Overhand Noose, in fact--are mirror images on the
horizontal axis.
Now, note that however the paths of their ends in making the sweeping arc and
final tuck out through the SPart bight DO NOT make mirror images!!
.:. The two knots aren't the same. Unless you care to argue that Ashley's stopper
isn't right, then you should conclude that yours and many other images are wrong.
To correct your image#8 you need to have the end, exiting from the Overhand,
cross Over (not under) the SPart, Under (not over) the first leg of the SPart bight,
and Over (not under) the other leg/side. --all 3 crossings reversed.
You could see the RIGHT knot soooo much more readily if you would follow my tying
guidance to TIGHTEN THE OVERHAND COMPONENT before making any further tuck
of the end. Then it should be quite perspicuous as to where the end must simply go
to form the 3rd of the trefoil face and be nipped--indeed, it is rather awkward
to take the end anywherElse! (Moreover, this method is efficient for good setting.)
NB: If one holds the END of #526 qua SPart, then one can re-form the rest of
the structure to make a Bowline. (And that certainly isn't the case for the imposters.)
In image#1, pinch the left side of the Overhand component between the exits
(Undercrossings) of the SPart & end, and pull on the bitter end rightwards and
this pinched part (to form the Bwl eye) leftwards.
It further worries me that I seem to be alone in seeing any of this--scary!
(Or alone in caring to work to correct it.)
