My "not young anymore" but not yet quite senescent ( hopefully) neurals network are approaching the pre-agonic phase.:-)
...knot structure...
I will certainly keep that point. Did a drawing to be put in my Yahoo album.
But that "subtlety" can be provided for in the "knot's individual file".
I see that, much more as a police file, than as an autobiography of the knot so to speak.
Make for quick expression, acronyms do, but are they not a bit "grand" once "deployed", may be it is simply that they are not "not my style".
Not enough "down to earth", "every day" words.
But sure that make for "high standing" formulation.
But then I am just arguing...:-)
More seriously : I think that all "expression of an idea" should be accessible to everyone interested in it, whatever his/her level of education and not necessarily with some years at University.
I strongly believe that ( but then some 37 years, all told, of practice made me meet with all sorts and trained me to stay "basic", Even my haughty nuclear theoric physicist was lost when I explained his condition with my medical mind-map.
Experience told me that since the onus of good communication rest on the sender and not on the receiver, then it is more efficient to address the intelligence ( even an idiot have one, of sort) of the other rather than his/her level of education.
That is without taking in account that a few were educated way beyond their intelligence. :-)
... is much a planar view....
Yes and I insist on it.
Please bear with this dictatorial statement.
All should be clear as to why at the end of this post.
And if it is not clear I am ready to bet that you will let me know. Want to bet? ;-)
fatal termination
Rule is to go for the least possible number of crossing IN WRITTING the sequence
BUT rule for DRAWING is to show ALL the crossings. ( here capitals are not shouts)
The bowline is HLHLHHL in DRAWING and you are righ there seem to be a fatal triplet.
But the concept of fatal triplet apply
not to the drawing but to the "sequencing" ( Jimbo you should not have introtuced me to BBcode!).
but in sequencing, applying the rule of "pilling up crossing" ( that is what happen when it is not anymore in a planar projection but becoming a "real" knot) the SEQUENCE is HLHLHL and here is no fatal triplet unless I am mistaken.
May be I was not precise enough before.
Thanks for giving me that opportunity.
That is why the forum is not only can be fun but is a tool to make the ideas expressed progress in quality.
I think I wrote it in one of my recent post : the fatal triplets need to be verified and precised. Working on it.
I would like that rule with no exception, however rare. So wait and tell me of all the "exceptions" you find, if possible with drawings in an album or by using my mail to send it.
A clove hitch....can omit the objet
Here again we are not on the same angle.
You are speaking of the "real" knot in use in the external world. And that is where it must end ultimately.
I, am speaking of a "tool" and a "definition", rather a "screening definition" to get ( hopefuly) an exhaustive (hopefully) census of knots.
It is just the fishing net for getting knot.
After their capture they must be "dissected".
A schematic of each one must be one.
Schematics are nor reality certainly, but they have had, for as long as they have been put in use, a way of making understanding the "thing" much easier.
Sure they are not really the "thing" ( remember Magritte "this is not a pipe", or the map is not the teritory, but mighty useful maps are, at least in my experience).
Just as the museum dissection piece is not the animal.
But you cannot bypass that stage in building a "nomenclature - stuctured list- catalogue raisonné..."
After that study yes, yes, and yes : return to the field of life is mandatory.
I will meet you there.
In the meantime help me clarifying my thoughts ( for me and for those to whom I dare express them), you have my thanks for that.
Your hands.....bones
Should not have tread on my patch!
Sorry by muscles, tendons are not the only parts of the anatomy of the hand I had in mind : bones, ligaments, fascia, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessel, skin, and all that I forget, you get it all for the same price in the "anatomy" box.So you see easy as pie to place/define my hands. All was in my words: "anatomical" , "constructed"= anatomy.
As for the "physiology/functionning" then that would be your stance as it is with the knots
represent a knot
I agree to that, most of the time (cast jewel)
Out there, is a guy, making jewels : throwing real TH. They are knots.
As my paternal grand-mother opposed to me :
- Yes, of course you are right, but I am not wrong!
In fact two who disagree can still be "right" at the same time.
Speaking of the same thing but from a different perspective.
I look at the left profile and see no handicap.
You look at the face and you say "that person is afflicted".
Both right : person has lost the right eye!
That,only to say that, may be we are both right at the same time :
- you look at the knot in the wild, the living creature. You can get the ecology, behaviour... of the beast..
- I look at the specimen lying on the laboratory dissection table.
I will certainly hold the upper hand on about its anatomical nomenclature and classification.
My "planar projection" is the knot undergoing an autopsy. Yes!
Your is the "real" one. Yes
I am speaking anatomy, you are speaking physiology. "Same hair, same beast" as they say in French Antilles.
View are not incompatible and certainly not mutually exclusive.
In the end both angle of perspective should be taken on account to get the "bit less" fragmentary portrait.