First thing : thanks for rekindling this thread.
Witty and swift answer you gave,
and absolutely pragmatically tailored for 8 years old
children who like Nature " abhor the void" and will never
let you off the hook if you do not answer one of their queries.
With it they got an immediate operational 'handle' on the notion
that cannot be faulted outright and cannot be rejected as 'in error'.
Of course "they are arrangement of crossings in a malleable
material that give it a 'relatively continued existence'...."
would have been a silly answer for them and more than likely
I would have fall for it!
But ...
What make a hammer a hammer ?
It is something made in a heavy and hard matter with the intent
of hitting something and that I know how to wield so as to do
the job in mind without crushed some parts of myself...
Now I am not anymore, by leaps and bounds, 8 years old, and when
I were still 8y I had already been quite finicky for some years
on definitions and things never amended themselves I am sorry to say
( "cannot you stop with your endless questioning, even of books!"
was a sentence I heard many time everywhere except in
my parent's mouths :-( ) so I will say that :
- it begs Berkeley's question : does a tree falling in a wood
with no 'consciousness' to hear it make a noise ?
So if I give you a knot that you cannot tye or cannot untie it is not a knot? ...
Are knots only those you can throw AND untie yourself?
while those I can do and not you are not knots ?
Take an absentmindedly thrown knot
( knotters do their 'dwindles twiddles scribblings' with cordage as other make doodles with a pencil )
so with out 'intent : is it a knot or not ? ... ( by your definition absence of intent = no knot)
In a way it is as right as to say that someone who
do not believe in tiger cannot be eaten by one.
Even if someone else witness the ' tiger's meal'
and say that it was indeed a tiger the "meal and first guest"
will go to the other side believing rightly he never was eaten by a tiger.
So if one person do not remember how to make a 67B x 57L turk's head it is not a knot? ...
A knot set so hard it cannot be untied then become a a-knot
The Gordian knot was not a knot ( could not be untied ) ,big historical enigma solved ! ;-)
"Specific purpose" : the spontaneous overhand ( a knot you will agree)
that happened in proteins or in vines or in blades of grass
or in a bunch thin chains left dangling then are not knots.
Well you may be right they are 'accidents'.
Still... putting 'intent' and 'purpose' in a definition
of a 'material' thing is leading fast onto the path to become
a disciple of this French philosopher who wrote that :
" a melon has 'ribs' because it is meant to be eaten at the family table."
A bit too much of a leaning towards teleology, at least IMO.
But still teleology give you hard and fast answers if what you are
after is only "some sort of answer". :-))
Kind regards.
PS I am still working in this day...i will...I hope...may be...