I have a question about the highwayman's hitch.
An innocuous introduction to a terrifying question.
I work for a telecommunications company ... climb up telecommunications towers ... One colleague once attended a rescue training
Could you please tell us
which rescue training, so we'll know where NOT to spend our money? TIA!
where the trainor demonstrated the use of a knot to tie a rope to be used for abseiling to a part of the tower
Okay, that gets interesting. Abseiling
from where
to what part of the tower?? That subtle point could make for a useful "jumping off point" (pun oh-so-definitely
intended) for a discussion of Life Overhead...
Why would one want to
abseil off a tower anyway, as the means of climbing
up should be equally available on the way
down, right? Otherwise, how do you get up there to tie your trick knot?
In any case, an abseil
used to imply a doubled rope anyway, so the whole question struck me as strange. I've done this, and I just draped the rope over the frob at the top & hauled one side down after I was securely afoot. When the doubled rope doesn't reach, I stop short, tie off, and reposition over another frob (bough, chock, piton, the cook's leg, whatever) for the next section... this is very confusing. You even said:
with both ends extending all the way to the ground
which means you don't have to tie
anything at the top... Is this a trick question??
and which could be untied, once the person is on the ground, by pulling on one end of the rope
Well, you actually answered yourself earlier. If both ends make it to the ground, just pull one. And find another Rescue Training provider!!!!
... describe the knot, which turned out to be the Highwayman's Hitch... good for tethering animals, but is it safe to use in abseiling/rappeling?
Here's basically how the Highwayman's Hitch "works"
First, you take a young horse, as it's being "broken" (
something only someone with an IQ less than a horse's would have to do), and tie it to a rail, with a b@$tard knot -- one that's so hard to untie, not even a mouthy horse with opposable thumbs can do it. Watch until they quit bothering to try getting themselves loose, and then, some while later, they'll be ready to accept the Highwayman's Hitch without mouthing it. This is also (BTW) why the circus can tie huge elephants with a wee rope you & I could break. They start with a humongous rope when the elephant is wee, and watch for it to "get used to it".
You'll give up your Human Rights and your Dignity the same way. You'll "go along to get along" until you have nothing left. But by then you'll be used to having no Liberty, you'll think peeing for a job is "okay", you'll hand over your guns and your children and your paycheck & shut your mouth "just because"... So maybe humans aren't so "evolved" after all... But I digress.)
I'm going to have to "go along" with our illustrious PABPRES on this one. Just say "
NO!" to dangerous knot tricks.
Would it be any better if I just said "It's called Operant Conditioning. Look into it."??)