anybody agree/disagree ?
WOW, members of the organization on knots founded
because of the "invention"/discovery of THiS knot cannot figure it out ?!
Holy smokes, what's going on?
-- "a consultative body" ... !!
Wow. (And this isn't the only place where SmitHunter(Lehman)'s bend is botched.)
No/yes, the diagram is wrong, presuming that the arrows show
tails not SParts -- it is exactly
backward (load the arrows).
Surely one needs a better diagram. And the arrowed ends=>SParts
must extend to remove ambiguity of their continuation (what I think
will be the natural interpretation is right). The perspective from this
*side* is more problematic than from *top/bottom*; I think
this might come from trying to illustrate some whiz-bang, too-clever=
by-half tying method similar to one originated for Rosendahl's bend
and similarly for Ashley's bend #1452.
it was this knot which triggered the formation of the Guild and many have a sentimental attachment to it
Yep, it was my first "invention", 1977.