>> However, since you're unwilling to start a new thread to discuss your theory, it's like you don't truly believe what you're saying.I don't have a question. I don't need to take a poll to validate my position. I know what I'm saying. I asked for time to present my "theory" but you'd rather proceed now. As you wish... (<-- You should understand The Princess Bride reference.)
>> By the way, you're (sic) mentioning of the "pseudo topological Fisherman Bend" with respect to my Trucker Hitch makes you sound like a troll.If you think I'm a troll, why do you keep engaging? How do you deal with a troll? Have you ever heard the expression, "Don't feed the trolls"? If you do, they'll just keep coming back. Wait, you keep coming back...does that mean...never mind. I'm not a troll.
Knot4u, I know you know knots way better than I. Happy? No need to be insecure and cry that you don't have credibility with me. What, I should behold your radiance? No one can question your eminence? Yes, I said "Fisherman's Bend." Do you prefer "Englishman's Knot?" This is your problem: you read very selectively (funny, I recall someone questioning another's reading comprehension at one point in this thread); you have your own agenda and you only internalize from others what supports your agenda without trying to understand the whole argument. Forest for the trees much? I'll give you an example from yesterday. You thought I was knocking Lee's TH based on one statement. If you had been following all along, or tried to understand the juxtaposition of the rest of the paragraph with that statement or tried to understand the context of the response to the question and the video, I doubt you, or any other peer on the forum would have suspected any dislike on my part for the Great Lee Bundy's TH.
Knot4u, did you overlook when I stated, "I do see your Clove Hitch"? I also understand Luca's cool schematic. Did you read and visualize "The Spinning Dancer" Wikipedia entry. Try this one:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubin_vase. Knot4u, you're better than me when it comes to knots. I'm not a troll. You should be able to understand why I suggested the Fisherman's/Englishman's knot.
>> You can't rearrange a Clove that is hitched to the working end (e.g., the knot in ABOK #173) to get a Cow Hitch.I wholeheartedly agree with you. You can with your TH though.
>> However, you can rearrange a Clove that is hitched to the working end to get a Granny Knot. Likewise, you can rearrange a Cow that is hitched to the working end to get a Square Knot.I'm with you, bro.
Once again, you've selectively quoted me. You quote my description of your locking bight but not the nip. You HAVE to include that to understand my position.
ABOK #173 is obviously, unquestionably, undeniably, indisputably, certainly, a Clove Hitch. Your TH is not. (BTW, I am not the first poster in this thread to question your equating your TH and Lee's to ABOK #173). To say that your TH is
topologically equivalent, is subjective at best. Let me rearrange a prior quote of mine so that it may be more clear to those who chose to overlook it: In a Clove Hitch and in ABOK #173, there is
one element of line nipping another element
two times. With knot4u's and Lee's TH, there are
two different elements nipping each other
one time, kinda sorta like a Fisherman's/Englishman's Bend.
I feel your pain, knot4u. I felt it trying to convince Andy. We can keep this dance going as long as you wish.