[EDIT: I did reply "in a vacuum". It looks like that because Knot4U deleted his post. Sorry for the confusing reading.

tie multiple Trucker Hitches in a series
I do that all the time when hauling construction timber (for instance). Not so much going back to the same loop to increase purchase, as (i) a single truckie is usually tight enough for short distances, (ii) the tension on the (old) rope adds up and (iii) the material can get damaged; but going across / around the cargo and to another anchor point to tie the next truckie. I too love that. This is the method I was taught, we had to tie heavy garbage bins onto the ute / pickup and undo the truckie quite often to add and unload bins, so it had to be fast and efficient.
Just so we're on the same page, you're talking about ABOK #173.
I may be missing something, but I don't see ABOK #173 on that video (or my method). On 173, the bight goes through a clove hitch / two half hitches. What the video and I are doing is a quick twist of the rope, like the nipping part of a bowline, except twisted twice. Actually a single twist would probably do. Once tightened, it does not settle into 173, it is a different configuration altogether.
could pass the bight through a clove hitch (173), but making it would probably require two hands, while making the double twist (nip) only requires one hand. Besides, the bight is usually secured to the tensioned rope with a half hitch, so there is no need for anything stronger than that twist / nipping turn.
Is this making sense to you? It really seems to me that we are talking about different things.