Author Topic: Favorite Way to Tie Trucker's Hitch  (Read 210803 times)


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Re: Trucker Hitch: Favorite Way to Tie
« Reply #255 on: March 31, 2013, 11:23:54 PM »
It doesn't need the ends to be tied

pics of how I tie it.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 12:19:47 AM by mtra »


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Re: Trucker Hitch: Favorite Way to Tie
« Reply #256 on: April 22, 2013, 03:56:14 PM »
 If it's the
use of a loop to build a MA leveraging structure (Trucker's/Wagoner's H.), then it's an
inlineloop function, to which the Butterfly is an awkward solution; the Inline
Fig.10 might be the most robust, for some heavier uses where end-2-end loading absent
eye loading might occur.  But for quick Trucker's H. building, borrowing on the Bwl's
quick tying & untying seems best.  Where that Sheepshank-like common knot might seem
a bit TOO quick & unstable, the simple further tucking of the end bight to make #1074
removes all doubt, and provides additional material at the wear point (dbl.eye).
(There are some single Bwl-in-bight that can work here.)  Heck, just an Overhand or
Fig.8 loopknot works as well--they're pretty non-jamming in an offsetorientation.

 Reply #33 on: January 08, 2005, 06:00:55 AM ?


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Re: Trucker Hitch: Favorite Way to Tie
« Reply #257 on: April 22, 2013, 07:59:00 PM »
If it's the ...

 Reply #33 on: January 08, 2005, 06:00:55 AM ?

This would be part of my post in "Best of Breed Knots" thread here:



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Re: Trucker Hitch: Favorite Way to Tie
« Reply #258 on: April 23, 2013, 12:30:52 AM »
If it's the ...

 Reply #33 on: January 08, 2005, 06:00:55 AM ?

This would be part of my post in "Best of Breed Knots" thread here:


yes i copied it, sorry  I  should have mentioned all this all info.

Although it's old post 8 years ago I just see it yesterday and I think it fits here so I add it here



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Re: Trucker Hitch: Favorite Way to Tie
« Reply #259 on: May 09, 2013, 12:38:10 AM »
I have lurked around this forum for a while but this is my first post.  This is an excellent thread, just when I thought I knew about a subject I find there is much more to learn!  I have been tying trucker's hitches for years with (typically) a timber hitch for the first anchor, a slipped figure 8 for the pulley, and a slipped half hitch for the final tie down.  Very interesting to hear how others tie it and learn some possible improvements.

Some questions for knot4u:
In your first post you list your winners and losers for the pulley knot.  I assume they are in order of rank, i.e. they are listed in order best to worst from top to bottom?  If true can you explain why one is better than another or why you consider the knot a loser instead of a winner?  Perhaps your first post could be edited with a brief description of why you ranked each knot the way you did. 

Secondly, do you also have a list of the knots you consider winners and losers for the first anchor and the last tie off?


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Re: Trucker Hitch: Favorite Way to Tie
« Reply #260 on: May 16, 2013, 06:04:50 AM »
So is the final knot using a slipped half hitch followed by another half hitch with the bight tied around one of the lines traveling to the second anchor or both?  Any advantages one way or the other?


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Re: ABoK#1148 as a double Trucker s hitch loop
« Reply #261 on: August 17, 2013, 11:07:28 AM »
A quicker but less dependable lashing is based on BELL RINGER'SKNOT #1148

  It would be interesting to test the "double" Bell Ringer s loop ( ABoK#1148 ) as a double Trucker s hitch loop, in the spirit of (1).

The core knot on which the two eyes are hanged is a Clove hitch. I have seen that the Clove hitch can jam badly under high load, while the Girth hitch can not (1), so, for a double loop Trucker s hitch, I would prefer a communicating double (=two eyes) loop made from a Girth hitch, rather than a Clove hitch, as ABoK#1148.


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Re: Trucker Hitch: Favorite Way to Tie
« Reply #262 on: August 17, 2013, 12:41:21 PM »
You say two eyes, but your link is to a one-eye loop.

  Do not pay attention to what penetrates the central core, see how it is made. When the central core is made of / based on a Clove hitch, it can jam, either this Clove hitch encircles 2 legs of one eye, or 4 legs of two eyes ( or three legs of two eyes, when the one leg of the one eye is a direct continuation of the one leg of the other eye, i.e. the two eyes are communicating directly, as in the pictures of the double Trucker s hitch I show ).
  My link is to a test on the Clove hitch, in comparison to the Girth hitch, as a core around the roots of the legs of eyes, be them 2 ( one eye ), or  3 / 4 ( two eyes ).
  What I am proposing is to replace the Clove hitch-based double nipping turn of ABoK#1148, with a Girth hitch-based one.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 12:43:25 PM by xarax »
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Re: ABoK#1148 as a double Trucker s hitch loop
« Reply #263 on: August 17, 2013, 05:00:24 PM »
A quicker but less dependable lashing is based on BELL RINGER'SKNOT #1148

  It would be interesting to test the "double" Bell Ringer s loop ( ABoK#1148 ) as a double Trucker s hitch loop, in the spirit of (1).

The core knot on which the two eyes are hanged is a Clove hitch. I have seen that the Clove hitch can jam badly under high load, while the Girth hitch can not (1), so, for a double loop Trucker s hitch, I would prefer a communicating double (=two eyes) loop made from a Girth hitch, rather than a Clove hitch, as ABoK#1148.
The 1148 is loaded differently than a simple clove hitch, and does not jam.
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Re: ABoK#1148 as a double Trucker s hitch loop
« Reply #264 on: August 17, 2013, 06:32:27 PM »
The 1148 is loaded differently than a simple clove hitch, and does not jam.

   I have shown a double loop based on the ABoK#1148, which is NOT a double loop, of course - and that is why I had used the quotation marks in my original reference. The ABoK#1148 is a TIB method / knot to shorten the rope. The double loop I had presented (1) is genuine double loop with communicating eyes, which I had proposed as a Trucker s hitch double loop, to address the problem of the excessive wear at the tip of the eye of the Trucker s hitch single loop.
   I know very well that the Clove hitch at the core of the ABoK#1148 jams, because I have tested it. I have presented a case where the difference regarding jamming between a Clove hitch and a Girth hitch, as core nipping/ anchoring structures on which the roots of the eye legs are attached, is explained in detail. The Clove hitch seems an innocent knot, but it can be self-locked and so accumulate a great amount of tensile forces, via a ratchet - like shrinking mechanism, until it becomes rock solid, and unable to be released / untied any more.
   Now, one can read whatever he wishes out of my posts, and he can misunderstand or pretend he misunderstood anything he wishes, just to fabricate an one-liner "wisdom". I do not misunderstand this, neither I pretend I misunderstand this !         

« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 06:33:05 PM by xarax »
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Re: Trucker Hitch: Favorite Way to Tie
« Reply #265 on: August 18, 2013, 07:00:38 AM »
  In both versions, the first returning eye leg, of the first of the two loops, as well as the second returning eye leg, of the second of the two loops, can penetrate the hitch entering into it by the one or the other side ( 4 combinations ) .That may affect easiness of untying, too.
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Re: ABoK#1148 as a double Trucker s hitch loop
« Reply #266 on: August 19, 2013, 06:22:48 AM »
After some quick testing, I found the Girth version more difficult to untie.

When the Clove hitch jams, it is not difficult, it is impossible to untie it...This never happens with the Girth hitch, which can not accumulate the tensile forces within it, as the Clove hitch does.
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Re: Trucker Hitch: Favorite Way to Tie
« Reply #267 on: August 19, 2013, 09:03:00 AM »
My favourite way to tie the Trucker's Hitch at present - after lots of experimenting - is to employ the Versatackle variation as follows:

Slipped Buntline as the anchor.

Alpine Butterfly x 2 as the loop.

There is tremendous satisfaction when you exert a bit of force when tightening down and you feel the rope becoming as taut as a banjo string and remaining like that when you relax the pull.

And having to be careful at times not to over tighten because the load might be damaged.

Brilliant system, guys!  :)


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Re: Trucker Hitch: Favorite Way to Tie
« Reply #268 on: August 19, 2013, 11:39:19 AM »
Brilliant system, guys!  :)

   It is called "simple machine", and it offers what is called "mechanical advantage" (1). More specifically, it is but a rope-made block and tackle mechanism (2). The new "knotting" thing here is the way one secures the tail by placing it in between two tensioned opposed bights - the rims of the two collars of those bights meet the penetrating tail at the right angle, the right angle, so they bite hard into it, so they are able to immobilize it. Simple, but most effective !

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Re: Favorite Way to Tie Trucker's Hitch
« Reply #269 on: October 11, 2013, 06:29:02 PM »
This has been such a great reading thread and has made me consider sheave options for an infinite length rope. My vote goes to the Bowline With a Bight ABoK #1150. It is also now, my favorite double loop knot. Thanks for that!  :)

The knot mentioned on page 2 of this thread:

...the slipped OH with the loop half-hitched above.../...The OH&HHL.../...In Geoffrey Budworth's book, I found this loop and he calls it a overhand knot and half hitch...

This is the ABoK #1021 leader loop and is my all-time favorite mid-line loop. But strangely enough, I have the opposite opinion, finding the half-hitch lock not too bad to untie after loading. In fact, that's my preferred method of loading this knot (on the HH Lock, instead of the overhand). Up to now, this has been my go-to knot for a trucker's hitch. See image below:

