I just don't usually give much thought to the Ashley bend.
Surely this snide rejoinder is given because I don't give the bend's jamming a pass like you do.
No, because you imagine this jamming for a knot known for
the lack of it, preferring to take any hint of it as some kind of
proof while ignoring (and not exploring) evidence to the contrary.
Which behavior is well enough decried by my snide ...
Your Fixated Griper Not hex on #1452
Maybe you could cite Cyrus Day
Because he has outdated and erroneous comments on the bend? I'll decline.
Sure, Day's "outdated" but not the antecedent Ashley, whom you cite
in your attack on #1408/9. Which, FYI, I've just loaded --the rumored
treacherous #1409, i.e.-- in nice, smooth, nylon-elastic 3/8" solid braid
tied to itself and then to 8mm (5/16") nylon kernmantle "accessory"
cord: in both cases, I got my full shabby-5:1 pulley'd weight put to the
knots; there was none of the rumored treachery to behold. Yes, there
is initial movement as the wrong-positioned tails are drawn by the joint
SParts' rotational pull into typically shown Butterfly-like abutting, where
they were securely locked by the opposed SParts' interlocking turns.
(I might surmise that this form could be a stronger geometry than 1408.)
And the knots untied reasonably easily, though less easily than 1408 &
Rosendahl's & 1452. (The 8-to-10mm joint was harder to loosen, on the
8mm collar.)
This issue has been put to rest with numerous tests by numerous people,
and fiddling with the ends isn't the cure- it's an indication of the problem.
Its (other) impostor issue is just another nail in the coffin.
Yeah, right: "numerous" ! And realizing that supposed fact suddenly my
own knots seize up (or is it spring free, spilled?) !!
And re the BushWalkers reference, that is to a knot that someone
(& echoes) took to labeling "the Butterfly" in contradistinction
to then "the Alpine Butterfly" (the muddle thickens),
and which is a Slip-Knot w/bight having the slipping end cast
a Half-hitch nipper over it.
Are you saying the half-hitch loop as a bend is the impostor bend Bushwalkers referred to? Can you give a source?
No, were're talking about eyeknots in re Bushwalkers. And what they have
for the dangerous version of the "Butterfly" is what dmadd just found shown
as a supposed #1452, on the WonderHowTo site.
It should be noted that this site has an interestingly aggressive copyright notice
--to wit:
Copyright @ Marinews Pty Ltd 2010 . All Rights Reserved.
All material displayed is the property of Marinews Pty Ltd.
All copyright violation will be dealt with firmly.
If you suspect our copyright has been violated, please email: copyright@marinews.com Thank you.
Frankly, I think that Fairlead should write to them and protest that "their"
copyright was violated by his own book -- published by Barnes & Noble
(one edition of various?) in 2002 !! Imagine the foresight of his fallible
artist to do this!! -- Marinews has directly copied that book's images and
put in the added (comp.graphics simple animation) glue to move between
them. And to claim copyright for this great contribution to knot konfusion.
-- t y p i c a l ! --like this quick,generalized hearsay about dangers & jamming of Ashely's bends.