Any of the simple end connection forms where one side is simplest bight, is as family to me
that starts with SquaREef(?*) family, that have the primary lock force dialed down to Zer0 and with 2 bights/host, no locks/hitches or such actions with PRIMARY force, only deflected.
>>so should NOT be used on a linear pull, only against radial swell, where the PRIMARY force can then power the locking factor agaisnt host.
The rest of larger family to me form a locking hitch around the bight host, with primary force side
>>except this Lapp
>>in any mixed Bend (thus not Square sub-family that is not Bend and needs matching rope/s)the locking side would always be the smaller/tighter; to impose it's tension X rigidity divided by size(so smaller is greater) against the host bight side.
>>bight side is the free escapee side, the other the lock, Square by this measure has 2 escapees w/o lock against Linear pull.
Another thing about the Lapp, in shorthand to self, i reference when tying in a binary of weave vs. pass in crossings.
>>rest are weave, turn, weave.
>>Lapp does a pass, turn, tuck(counter-intuitive to years of weave, turn, weave)
You do want the tails on same side, so don't pit primary force vs. secondary force (after arc) as hold
>>but rather secondary vs. secondary for the stop, not on primary side of SPart vs. Spart, but rather after arc by each side.
i think of primary as 220v and secondary as 110v, and say not to try to control 220v w/110v (SquaREef as Bend)
Lapp Knot never scored with me as a working class knot;
but, have seen it's weakness , be a strength in a breakaway/fuse context if set to fail right, perhaps w/falsie; not sure, too long ago.
Also, a knot-part that doesn't 100% stop force, then doesn't concentrate the stop/ wear in that position, if setting up the next force catch for follow up buddy to shut down flow entirely, but spread out. Like RT rather than Turn on smaller host to share the wear.
In working knots i consider RT as a Real Turn, choice to use just single Turn a purpose full downgrade to perhaps pass more force to the next position(or quickie, or short rope; but purposeful downgrade).
One of the reasons i evaluate Linear inputs of termination(Hitch) or continuance (Bend) , things w/SParts:
first by Primary Hook of SPart of linear input converted to radial control thru Primary Arc as the ruling primary Hook ruling rest of structure in tension and rigidity;
Is because can't escape that model even in these simplest beginning lessons, with everything else stripped away to minimum, Hook model logically persists, as primary, even if only , conversion point to radial control the whole mechanix rides on for control/stop.
* if us Americanos would have renamed Reef to about anything but Square; i would always call Reef in respects, but also the reminder and flavor of where much came from of these things, the work, sweat comrade etc. of what was l-earned to pass on.
BUT, i say Square, because it is so important to have knot framework SQUARE geometry to purpose, and pulling out of square on same axis in Thief, or cross axis in Granny, or both as rollout in Grief, is the real lesson.
And this is a beginner's knot of passage it seems, and the focus should be on the key geometry (squareness etc.), even if not shown as geometry to get on the truest track from the word go. That is much of reason for my trying to show definition of pivotal principles is to steer towards them from start, never conflict to give truest consistent view over growth. Working it backwards, making more sure evolves to destination. Another reason for comparison's of Ancient stories like Samson, Achille's Heel, Greek/Roman Column and other 'heritage' and story lessons framing at times.
Many, many unspoken lessons in SqReef family!