Hi All!
Like most folks, making money from knots remains just a dream for me. Sure, I get a free Guinness now and again for a bell rope, but it ain't going to make me rich! I recall a conversation I had with Des Pawson a few years ago, and he pointed out how he and Liz would often be tying the same bell rope over and over again in the early hours of the morning to fulfil an order. In Des and Liz's case, I can imagine how often they have little choice in what they tie - they have to tie what the order says, even if they would rather be doing something else.
As with many hobbies, I believe the best chance of earning money is to teach. If you can find a group of people who want to learn how to do something, then not only do you make (a little) money, but you introduce more people to a specific community. Of course, teaching is not simple, even for someone with great skills. An expert doesn't always make a good teacher. Having said that, Colin Jones once taught me over the 'phone how to tie a fender! That's class!
Finally, ebay - great for buying, not so good for selling!
I've gone on long enough ....