Genoese Zipper SinnetThe Genoese Zipper Sinnet is the fusion of the Single
Genoese Bar and the Zipper Sinnet, thus the name. A
stunning unification of two functional decorative sinnets,
the Genoese Zipper Sinnet makes for a great strap,
bracelet, necklace or key fob. The choice is completely
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u91dTA30VN4 ____________________________________________
Bent Solomon BarThe Solomon Bar is one of the most versatile ties in the
paracording genre of knot tying. Still, most paracorders
restrict their use of the bar to a straight line. Why? I'm
not sure. Either way, I thought I would try to inspire
some Solomon Bar "manipulations" with the following
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02C7qK3CYjc____________________________________________
KBK BarThe design of the KBK Bar literally came to me in a dream.
I suppose such dreams are the product of my obsessive
thoughts about fusion knots and the multitude of designs
the techniques can form. (smile)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO9bZBR98XA____________________________________________