Here is another link , only for the "idea" or protection.
I am impressed at how effectively you come up with these!
However, if you look, this last one is the same as New England Rope's. His finish is clever, but with heat shrinkable tubing "protection" at the chafe point.
I'm sorry, and please don't take this personally (
I'm not one to "shoot the messenger"), but this is (to me) more of an illustration of why I want to do the ABOK# 2858 version! (
Hint: That heatshrink (even if you wisely use Clear) will hold water -- which makes for stinky mildew at best, rotten cordage and a lost anchor at worst. Which begs the question: Which is worse, rotting or rubbing?)
But don't let me dissuade you!!! Keep it up!! Evaluating alternatives is what Jimbos do best! And thank you for pitching in!!
And if you do this splice, please do:
- switch to CLEAR heatshrink,
- slush the strands under the heatshrink with thick, water-displacing goo,
- shrink the heatshrink with enough heat, and
- watch that splice[/b] in service! Inspect, inspect, inspect!!