If I take a two coloured line, say blue from the midpoint to the left and white from the midpoint to the right and arrange it as show in ABOK 2952, I get a checked design like ABOK 3000 (following the directions shown in ABOK 2952).
I cannot agree. Some people seem to be tying what they know, not what they see.
As pointed out above, the instruction of #2952, which is verbal only in "follow the
diagrams in rotation", referencing the contested images, is wrong:
the 1st & 2nd conflict; the 2nd makes a crossing knot. The arrows are not ambiguous,
and require deliberate effort to have the arrows cross under the bight, which in BOTH
cases seems to be incorrect for the objective!
If Willeke's structure is what Ashley intended, then he should have shown the forming
of the one-way twist of ends within/between bight legs followed by the other-way
twist of bight legs between ends ("one-/other-"way = "S" & "Z" twist). And that
is something fairly easy to both draw and describe, really! (I am not here trying
to suggest that therefore Ashley intended otherwise, but just to remark that such
a structure can be simply illustrated verbally & graphically.)
Moreover, Willeke recommends twisting the bight (completely) as a first step, to which
then putting in the countertwists of the ends is easily understood & done.
I should remark that in tying this stucture w/o doing this, the twisting of the bight
results in counter-twists forming below where I am working, and ultimately will
become overwhelming, making the choice to reverse the respective twist in both
bight (done by torsion) and end so to finish!
So here we have yet another ERROR to include in
ABOK, without doubt.