Hi Johnny,
Thank you for turning up. I do hope your falcon is still secure to your table leg.
As to the image you have posted, it is a double Common Block, not that it is common just that it has no iron inside it, but as we agreed,the best part of knot tying is the' hands on' bit. I would love to get my hands on the block, not so I can pinch it but so I can look for a tally plate, that would give me the makers name and the date, I would need a closer look at the sheaves and the gromet as well.
I can confirm, Squareriggers two penneth, (Lindsey you had to be there, we had been discussing the merits of Dead eyes and Bull's eyes, and Johnny said" I have got this at home what is it?" So I would say, a round open thimble (with rust).
The hook- the funny end looks like it is the remnants of wire mousing, a good seamanship practice long in use before the 'Health and Safty Act " removed common sense and introduced a mound of paper work.