1. Take any symmetric single strand knob knot. ( It can be a stopper knot, a lanyard knot, or a button knot. )
2. With a second rope, retrace the tail of this knot in its path inside the knot s nub, until half way to the Standing end, i.e. until the centre of the knot. I call this retracing "semi-retracing". A suggestion for a more proper and descriptive name would be welcomed.
3. Remove the first rope from the path that has been retraced by the second rope.
4. You get a symmetric bend, and it is time to see if it holds, etc.
I choose one of the first stopper knots I see in the ABoK, ABoK #582.
Transforming it into a bend, by the method of semi-retracing, see what we get : The Zeppelin bend !
Who knows how many known or unknown bends we can get with this transformation...My idea is that, if we will follow blindly this simple recipe, we will very soon re-discover, or discover, all the possible symmetric bends that can exist. Not one bend, known or unknown, would be missed !