I have used this Water 8 bend as a basis for a loop, in an effort to have wider first curves and a possibly stronger knot. Also, I have used it for the loop of the trucker s hitch, where this knot s
asymmetry is not a disadvantage : on the contrary, it may be beneficial, because we can choose which one of the two links we will use as the link that would provide us the tail = working end that continues to the rest of the trucker s hitch mechanism.
In the attached pictures, it is shown how we arrive at this Water 8 bend, starting from a "flat" Water bend and twisting/rotating the standing end/tail pair(s). We can twist/rotate only the one pair 4 X 180 degrees = 720 degrees clockwise (or counter-clockwise, which is the same thing), OR both pairs,
each one of them 2 X 180 = 360 degrees clockwise (or counter-clockwise, which is again the same thing). At the pictures, the left, as we face it, standing end/tail pair is twisted/rotated 4 X 180 = 720 degrees counter-clockwise, and from an initial "flat" normal Water bend we arrive at the Water 8 bend shown in (1). Each picture captures a snapshot of those four successive twists/rotations.
We can see the difference of this bend with the
symmetric variation of the Water bend presented at (2), the Water X bend.There, the standing end/tail pair is twisted/rotated only 3 X 180 degrees = 540 degrees. The one and a half whole turns twist/rotation produces the
symmetric Water X bend, while an additional half turn (in total, two whole turns) produces the
asymmetric Water 8 bend.