Hi Windyrider,
Lasse c has a point, often one tool will do many tasks.
I remember watching the fishermen at night when at anchor, one man had every type of rod and gadget possible,including a hat and special glasses, he never got one fish. Yet next to him was a man from the engineroom,who popped up for a 10 min fresh air break, hand line only with one hook, and the fish stood in line to be caught. So keep it simple.
I shall be attending the Dunkirk meeting, I shall meet the Hon Sec IGKT France and point out your post.
I note you come over to the UK, if the port you come into is Portsmouth, the Solent Branch meet in Fareham ,and our next meeting is April 12th, you will be welcome. Johnny Dept, start working on your diary/appointments.
yours Aye