would you mind expanding on the 'many good reasons' that you have against the Carrick, because I am finding it hard to find any.
Oh, I realy do not know from which one to start !

I would say that the
main reason is that this knot is, most of the tines, tied in a pre-collapsed state, and only then, afterwrds, it is forced to collapse, in an entirely dissimilar, differently looking form. This abrupt tranformation would be magic, and great, if it transfigured something ugly to something beautiful, of course, but here it only does the exact opposite ! Come on, admit it, the Carrick is un ugly looking knot, at least compared to the beautiful, pre-collapse "base" it starts with. We have
dozens of other bends, most of them secure, good looking and easy to tie. Just for an example, consider the
"Violin", derived from a Dan Lehman more complex bend. (see (1), and attached pictures). You have to forget how to tie a Grief knot, to forget how to play/tie this Violin...

And, contrary to the case of the Carrick, in that case the transfiguration, from the brrr twisted Grief knot to the mmm Violin, is a true metamorphosis of un ugly thing to a beautiful one !
My point was less about your choice of
including the overestimated Carrick, and more about your choice of
ommiting the Zeppelin bend, and the bowline. It does not bothers me much when we overestimate something due to our traditional knot tyers conservatism, as to underestimate something of the highest value, as, first, the bowline, and, second, the Zeppelin bend.
This brings me around to your 'new' knot. It does not look easy to tie, but you claim that it is. So, can you please post your tying method here so we can judge its ease and memorability against the Carrick by the 'Fold, pull, poke' method
I made yet anther effort to explain the veeery easy and memorizable method I use to tie this knot. (See (2)) However, there are more things to consider, when chosing a bend. For one thing, this "new" knot has the great merit of being most symmetrical, and beautiful, more than even the Zeppelin bend ! ( as each link is point symmetric to itself). But it might well have
many shortcomings, that will keep it in the sidelines, as it s often the case with the so called "new" knots.