Who Cares?

No really it is Flash / .SWF (Swift Working File);
This one is only about 50k; i guess that would be a medium small picture size, without animation?
Everything is vector graphics instead of the common raster graphics of photos (Baby is raster graphics picture from a pay-service i belong to). So, instead of having to tell screen a definition of every pixel dot, it gives compurte definition on how to draw; lots less information/ filesize. Also, the vector graphics becuase they are definitions, can be blown up (right click , Zoom) with no definition loss(except if zooming in on baby), nor file size increase. In animation, more filesize savings; because it doesn't need to refresh every 20 seconds like raster graphic. Also, each item is defined once, then lots smaller code to refer back to that definition etc.
If playing around zooming in won't see all of screen, but can hold down space bar to 'grip' image with mouse, and move around while zoomed in! Can Zoom in several times, note scrutinous detail of tree etc.!
So, hopefully is very favourable for Dial-Up!