Very nice, pure power example.
i think the single connect point on target would be easier to calc total effect.
The varied heights/lengths from ground pivot of the pull points on target tree MUST:
>>pull with different leverage (of which you have the higher compounding highest for greatest force)
>>pull at different speeds (reciprocal of force increase) so lower lines have less distance to pull
(forcing higher to pull first, lower to backup that pull?? not sure of elusive quantity here, but less than optimal and don't think is as eye sees/decodes)
Hard to see but i think:
Compound/top pull is 5x2x2x
Middle is 5x2x
Lowest is 5x
(sum 35)
Devil's Advocate:
Might try using single leg termination points as dual strategy to also present support against the higher compound pull/ at that higher position.
>>each single leg could offer bight to compound pull, with seams buried/buffered from direct forces on host mount/target tree
>>presenting 2 seamless eyes , 1 from either side of spar against compound red pulley pull
>>spaced from tree for more strength from sharper point/teepee,
>>flat teepee is leveraged harder grip/less support efficiency so raises tension closer to ceiling limit/less headroom to compensate
To get all from equal distant/equal speed and greatest leverage point
This has some nice compounding, even midway floating pulley concept for more power but not right on load
>>all ends used even in multiple lines
>>more in linear, end to end.
With human body as power source,
can embed system inside of system, to work 2 pulls from inner system to outer system
>>i think of using the yin and yang of the force produced against the target.

Trying on your tree:
if try to similarly 'embed' both pulls of 1 5x jig to pull from both compounding ends into another larger 5x system
>>So that inner 5xOutput end is input into single input of outer 5x (25x total)
>>and the lower 4xOutput of inner pulls just before that point in outer system (so will give 4x3 to top =12x)
to sum 37x against loading POTENTIAL
Potential output degraded to actual by compounding of frictions, elasticities, pulls not pure inline/parallel and now lie frictions from system crossing
Playing with Forces, compounding the maths that still prove true even around counter-intuitive turns like Ancient Chinese Windlass/Differential !