i favour 'squareness' / stabilized looks in knots. To me 1674 and Constrictor on top of horizontal spar has ends squared nicely between Turns. But, on vertical spar, i like how the Groundline serves the Bitter downwards with gravity as final lock, where 1674 + Constrictor would have gravity pull the ends out of Square possibly. Only Constrictor is same pulled forward or backward. 1674 makes fair binding/ pulls square, but Groundline reverse pull distorts lacing somewhat; but still traps self well.
But, of these, there is only 1 real Constrictor, others are slightly less i think. 1674, i make mostly (especially slipped), unless real reason to go/upgrade to Constrictor form.
Make Constrictor, Dbl. Constrictor, or even to Boa etc. all by fig.8 folded/twisted bases if can slip over, rather than thread on host/mount. But only place on as many Turns, as can tighten thru.
Really Love the pic; this is the kind of view i'm always trying to draw/ animate to.