PwH, I imagine that not only the twist, but also not-too-long-an-eye
helps stabilize the structure (essentially, concentrating the effect of the
twist vs. having it *amortized* over a longer eye). One could try a
Clove hitch instead of the single
turNip of the classic structure, too.
Still, I'm w/Knot4U in wanting greater assurance --just would rather ... .
And seeing the abuse put on the rope in Knot4U's video link (i.e., the
hard rubbing of rope through eye), I'd prefer some quickly formed
TWIN-EYE knot (and tying a
bowline with a bight-end achieves this,
among other simple structures). The doubled eye should ameliorate
the abrasion felt by the rope in either eye, and maybe be less of a
frictional impediment to hauling.
While the shaking-undone sure must be nice, the untying of many
alternative eye-structures is hardly onerous.
.:. many ways to skin this cat (at times for particular reasons).