Ok, ok, I might have read into this : "
Whoa" of yours something there was just not there...I am sure that, in your carefully phrased replies, there are more things that I should have responded to and I have not, than the exact opposite !

P.S. It is not "the Eskimo bowline" that I had presented ! It is one of the two
very different forms, of one of the many crossing-knot based bowlines, we call Eskimo bowline. My reply was meant to point this difference, not to present another picture of "the"(?) Eskimo bowline ! And my surprize had to do with the fact that the particular form of the "accidentally taken" picture of the "wild" knot you have presented, was exactly similar with the form of the "accidentally taken" picture of the knot I have "accidentally" tied and posted in the bowline thread. Of course, you have twisted the meaning of my reply, and presented my "surprize" of the coincidence of those two images, as somewhat ridiculous, have nt you ?