This is good stuff to which I would add what can we offer to young people - teenagers say - who have not grown up with knots but may be encouraged to try their hand? (JD of T.I.A.T.) is probably the best example I can think of, of someone who will appeal to youngsters by using modern materials to make simple but attractive items through videos. I'm not knocking the long discussion on this Forum about the definition of a bowline but that sort of discussion could be a real turnoff for a newcomer!
In my own research, I've spotted a few fashion things that are knot related. I used to note them in my link roundups ( that I did here, and now I'm noting them on my Google Reader public feed (, also accessible omnibus style here ( I realize that this is kind of a write-only activity for me, but I live in hope.

Also when the Google Reader stuff gets linked to Google+ it may be easier to access... Who knows. Umm, technical digression aside, back to the fashion thing I was talking about:
Now, my relationship to fashion is extremely... vague as anyone who has seen me can probably tell you,
but if instead of noting down the knot-related fashion stuff as vaguely interesting, one took a pro-active stance... On YouTube, the Discovery Channel posts regular videos explaining what is happening in popular videos that weird and curious but have a scientific explanation. They call them xxxx Explained, like the Zombie Squid Explained was posted yesterday (I think). So, since most fashion related knot stuff is quite simple ( or We could "explain" knotted fashion with how to's, not to mention short explanations of where to source materials from as well. This would make us more useful in a practical sense as well. Expanding into simple home decor applications (eg. would appeal to an older demographic, but still younger than the guild average age.
Fashion and home dec. This partially handles the distaff side of things, plus their guys who want to impress their girls. What the young man might want, I'm thinking Stormdrane knows.
Thinking on it a bit more, even younger we could try to collate some knot related teacher materials. Things that pre-school -> grade school teachers (and home schooling parents) could use.
Making dog toys and leashes and ...
So, what I'm saying is we create a database of simple project how-tos and share them, the key is to go from theory "how to tie knot X" that our membership appreciates and expand it into "how to make Y & Z with knot X" even if (especially if?) it's extremely simple.
Open a hosting account with someone such as BlueHost $6/month for unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited domains etc.
Take out a dummy domain name for free (say with the hosting account
Start a Wordpress site with all the facilities - blog, calendar, CMS, etc. etc. expected of today's sites, and start to lay out a completely fresh IGKT web presence.
This is unnecessary as any number of us have our own servers.
You've got the after all.
As fordneagles said, you don't need web designers anymore with tools like Wordpress, but you do need a small team of people with the time and interest to put the content into place.
Then, once you have something you are reasonably happy with, have the Guild officials give it the go ahead, and swap over the redirection for the url to the new site.
By starting this way you are already selecting the software. This method is also highly unlikely to integrate well with the existing forums which we all kinda like as they are (mostly).
I'd be more than happy to set up a CMS (drupal) today so that we can work up a wireframe for the site design, but screen shots will likely be good enough in these early days of redesign.
That said, if there are forum members (who are Guild members) who would like to be involved in the official site redesign, not to mention internet strategizing... on the one hand I want to say PM Lindsey (because he's the council member in charge) but since I haven't discussed it with him yet and don't want him to say "where'd this deluge of email come from?" maybe PM me?
Ah, Lindsey is watching this thread, right? And he'll let you know who to talk to to volunteer your two cents.