Author Topic: Where are we (IGKT) going and what are we doing?  (Read 6447 times)


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Where are we (IGKT) going and what are we doing?
« on: October 22, 2011, 05:05:01 AM »
This message is intended to solicit ideas and thoughts from IGKT members, KHWW members and others who post here and are not yet members of either organization.  The IGKT next year celebrates 30 years of existence as a charitable body.  I would like to know what your thoughts are about what the IGKT is doing going forward and where we are now.  What are your thoughts?   ;D



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Re: Where are we (IGKT) going and what are we doing?
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2011, 08:30:00 PM »
I, for one, think the direction you are taking the PAB is a good example of the direction IGKT should take.  For those unfamiliar with our activities,  we have begun a series of 10 weekly sessions with 6th, 7th, & 8th grade kids in the THINKtogether after school program.  The first week was Lindsey alone, teaching some basics(15 students).  Second week I was there too, and we taught them to tie the Emperor's Bracelet (Solomon Bar, 21 students).  Then last week, Lindsey taught them the wall & crown, and the diamond knot (I don't know how many students there were).  And we have 7 more weeks to go.  These kids are very interested in the knots and it is such a pleasure seeing them trying so hard to do it right.  AND SUCCEEDING!  The one week I was there, there were even kids showing other kids how to do it.  A very rewarding venture!
Jimmy R Williams - IGKTPAB Secretary/Treasurer


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Re: Where are we (IGKT) going and what are we doing?
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2011, 04:39:19 AM »
That is SUPER awesome Lindsey!  :)

Well done!

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Re: Where are we (IGKT) going and what are we doing?
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2011, 05:34:32 AM »
Thank you Jimmy and JD - you are both very kind to say that.  It is the kids that are the crux of what we do in the IGKT for my money and they deserve our fullest attention to all that they can achieve.  What else should we be doing, because I am not prepared to sit by and say "Well, I've done my bit - what are YOU doing?"  I would like to hear others' thoughts also about the direction your Council is taking the IGKT.  What should our (Council's and the IGKT's) collective purpose be?  How are we to achieve it?  Is it sufficient to simply tie knots to amuse ourselves and amaze our friends or is there more to our being?  Is it enough for any member to collect books about knotting and then let them molder away in some forgotten warehouse or storage bin?  Is there any purpose to tying every knot in the ABOK, (should we do the same with G & H?) or should we do it again and ask someone to hold them for us?  What processes are locked in the collective minds that will someday prove to be a benefit to humans?  Let me ask again - Where are we going and What are we doing?  Derek - you have good ideas - what are your thoughts?  Xarax - where will your alternatives take knot-tying and to what benefit?  DL - you have many alternatives and many knots under your belt - what will happen to your good ideas when you are not here?  Our contributors on these pages do not have to be members of IGKT - so what are your thoughts about the reasons for IGKT's existence?  Share!   ;D



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Re: Where are we (IGKT) going and what are we doing?
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2011, 05:29:08 PM »
I've said it before, but I'll say it again.  8) 

- I'd like to see the IGKT be truly international.  In addition to contacting known international groups, we should put out key pieces of info in the public domain and invite people to translate them.

- I'd like to see us be an information hub for casual learners, teachers, artists and researchers.

- I'd like to see the guild organize behind the members who are willing to be ambassadors of the craft and support them in an effort to be outright promiscuous in the promotion of the skills.  8)

- encourage special interest groups within the guild population to help grow enthusiasm (off the top of my head: Asian, every day carry, magicians, netting, turk's heads/pineapple, leatherwork, wire, climbing, jewelry, etc, etc)

- create events within the group for fun (challenges, swaps, creation of displays)  so, yes, tie every knot in ABoK, G&H, or other important book and make a display.  invite a cordage company to sponsor the effort and provide free (cheap?) cordage to the members for the display.


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Re: Where are we (IGKT) going and what are we doing?
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2011, 04:48:08 AM »
   I can only speak of Practical (= not Decorative ) knots.
   First, we need more people, then we need to persuade a few of those people to test the plethora of knots we already have or we can think of.
   So, besides the obvious  need for more members, I believe that the most important missing thing is knot testing... I do not see how this small  community of (practical) knot tiers can make any further progress, without experimental results.
This is not a knot.

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Re: Where are we (IGKT) going and what are we doing?
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2011, 11:46:06 PM »
I would like to see us doing MANY more on-line tutorials (videoed in the style of JD-TIAT and others, or static, as in my case) of practical knots for specific purposes and explaining them to the unsuspecting victi... I mean, public, on a dedicated page or section of pages at IGKT's site. 

KHWW and I both have many tutorials of fancywork and the like, but no-one is showing (for example) how to tie a Prussic and how it would be used, or how to tie an Artilleryman's and how IT would be...  the drift becomes apparent.


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Re: Where are we (IGKT) going and what are we doing?
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2011, 12:17:36 AM »
KHWW and I both have many tutorials of fancywork and the like, but no-one is showing (for example) how to tie a Prussic and how it would be used, or how to tie an Artilleryman's and how IT would be...  the drift becomes apparent.
Surely you jest:

« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 12:18:51 AM by roo »
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Re: Where are we (IGKT) going and what are we doing?
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2011, 11:16:03 AM »
Perhaps the answer is a compromise - the IGKT site lists knots, their purpose, particular uses and dangers etc perhaps with a photograph of the finished knot but with a link to another site such as those suggested by Roo for details of how to tie.  That way we could put together a comprehensive catalogue but without the need to re-invent the wheel.



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Re: Where are we (IGKT) going and what are we doing?
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2011, 05:21:10 AM »
...but no-one is showing (for example) how to tie a Prussic and how it would be used, or how to tie an Artilleryman's and how IT would be...

Check out this youtube channel and search it for "knot".  They do a knot a week.  All practical.  8)


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Re: Where are we (IGKT) going and what are we doing?
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2011, 02:55:47 AM »

- I'd like to see the guild organize behind the members who are willing to be ambassadors of the craft and support them in an effort to be outright promiscuous in the promotion of the skills.  8)

One way of supporting those who might be willing - with a bit of encouragement - to get involved in demonstrations and sit on IGKT stands would be to prepare an IGKT guidance package for newbies to the art of knot promotion. (Knot Demos for Dummies?)

The amount I learned from demonstrating at only three Aus Wooden Boat Festivals makes me think some of our elder statesmen must have a lot of experience to contribute in this area.

Demonstration guidance could cover, amongst other things, insurance and other legal stuff, physical security for your books/tools/handiwork, simple physical aids for demonstrating knots and braids, examples of knots that work well for on-the-spot teaching, how to set up your stand or workspace for security/visual appeal/your own comfort, hints for packing your gear for quick set up and tear down for events lasting more than a day, suggested types and lengths of cordage to have on hand, the kinds of questions people frequently ask and suggested responses, etc.

Could remove a bit of "fright factor" for some people.


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Re: Where are we (IGKT) going and what are we doing?
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2011, 02:14:59 AM »
We in the Pacific Americas Branch of the IGKT are making an effort to create something in the nature of "Knotting 101".  (And, as usual, Lindsey is doing 99.9% of the work.)  Any event we attend/display we give out business cards and fliers about the guild and our branch.  At the Newport Beach American Legion Yacht Club's Wooden Boat Festival,  we made contact with a person affiliated with an after school organization named THINKtogether (  He later contacted me via E-Mail and we (George, Lindsey, and I) set up a 10 week program to teach some knots to kids from grade 5, 6, & 7.  I was unable to attend the 1st session, but did go to the 2nd.  Then, at the beginning of another class for about 50 Boy Scouts, I had a mini stroke.  After Lindsey got me home, my wife made me go to the hospital.  I had a right carotid endarterectomy.  So I have left Lindsey to teach the THINKtogether classes all by himself.  However, The THINKtogether program has several volunteers that are assisting with the students.  (We' kinda making a "Train The Trainer" situation out of it.)  Wednesday will be the 7th class and I hope to go with Lindsey and hinder him  aaahhhh   eeerrr  I mean help, yes help, that's the word.
We also have plans to present a class on the dragonfly knot and the Monkey's Fist knots at one of the Los Angeles county Public Libraries to teenagers.
Most of this "education" is being shouldered by Lindsey and I try to help when I can.
So - I think the question is - - - anyone else out there trying to (willing to) spread the IGKT's considerable offerings?  Doesn't have to be classes like ours (we're willing to share our findings if anyone is interested.)  Has anyone made contact with schools regarding "after school" programs?  Libraries about youth programs?  Boy Scouts and leaders/volunteers?
I do like the idea of more "on line" tutorials, but I think that type of information is for those already interested in & exposed to knotting (IMHO).
If I sound like I'm preaching, yelling, or bragging, I don't mean to - just offering some examples of the kinds of things that can be done.  And, I'm sure there are many other ways to spread the word.
Jimmy R Williams - IGKTPAB Secretary/Treasurer