If this one bend do not fit the bill, use another bend.
After all, there is a plethora to choose from.
From Wed on Wed.(nesday), good to hear from you.
Spring is springing here on the Mid-Atlantic USA, 80^F

Maybe there will come a bill to which this bend fits nicely.
Until then, I suggest exploring its possibilities rather than what it's not suited for.
One aspect that had bothered me about the
PopLockeris that the knots are left intact upon release --that could
be awkward, for subsequent use of the lines. BUT, OTOH,
for some repeated opening/closing task, having tied the
knots once, then having them remain upon opening,
it could be a benefit to have those knots intact, waiting
to be slightly loosened for re-use (rather than having an
unknotted line which one would have to repeat the
not-so-easy knotting) --just insert the tails into their
respective gripping knots!
A use? --perhaps some tie-off of a back-pack where
there would be (?) sufficient span to include the structure.
Still, on such a task, one might expect a compound
structure of an eye knot and then a releasable hitch
to it (such as a
slipped beckt hitch ). And these sorts
of tasks are with relatively light loads, well within the
scope of manual strength.
As a further test of this, I just tied the structure in 3/8"
nylon softish-laid non-new rope and gave it a good load
via my pulley. I had no chance of *popping* it open
manually; putting the doubled-parts (nipped tails) into
the pulley to pull them open/apart did get movement,
and would've pulled out ONE --but not both(! nb)-- tail
(i.e., the opening was effected by movement in just one
tail, or so it seemed).
Another concern about opening this structure
under load is getting purchase between the tails,
so to grip and pull --that, too, suggests that practical
loads will need to be relatively small.