mifor recently posted a list of her (his?) tutorials in a
monster blog post. Starting with the single knot section, here it is annotated:
双联结 double connection, also triple and winged variant two strand matthew walker
横双联结 sideways double connection
双钱结 double coin carrick bend
纽扣结 button knot two strand diamond, lanyard, friendship, etc.
单线纽扣结 inline button knot (single and double)
长钮扣结 double and triple button knots
万字结 sauvastika
三耳酢浆草结 four eared cloverleaf knot, square flower
双耳酢浆草结 three eared cloverleaf knot, triangular flower
盘长结 pan chang/mystic 2x2 and 3x3
吉祥结 good luck
攀缘结 creeper knot macrame square knot, all parts with one cord
平结 flat knot macrame square knot sinnet/solomon bar
十字结 cross knot the beginning of a crown sinnet tied with one cord
藻井结 plafond
团锦结 round brocade (6 petal cloverleaf, hexagonal flower), 8 petal cloverleaf (octagonal flower)
绶带结 tassel knot doubled cross knot?
星辰结 5 and 8 pointed constellation (stellar) knots
二宝 2x3 bao knot
三宝 3x4 bao knot
四宝 4x3 bao knot
十字双联 45 degree double connection knot
雀头结 sparrow head (lark's head) cow hitch
蛇结 snake knot sinnet
金刚结 reinforced snake sinnet
同心结 "same heart knot" == true lovers knot?
索线结 machine translates as "cable line junction" slipped grinner knot (double overhand)
十字吉祥结 crown sinnet
万字攀缘 broken link 8( should be some variant of the sauvastika knot
徒手三宝 3x4 bao again in cord vs line drawing
复团锦结 complex heart cloverleaf variants
吉祥宝结 lucky bao knots (2x2 and 2x3) bao knots tied on the bight good luck style
二耳冰花 broken link 8( it says "two ear ice flower"
六瓣藻井 hexagonal plafond
双藻井 double plafond
凤尾结 phoenix tail sinnet and big phoenix tail sinnet
宝花锁结 machine translates as "treasure flower (bao) lock knot" looks to me like a doubled heart sauvastika
复酢浆草结 4 petal cloverleaf (square flower) with overlap of 2
十六耳团锦 16 eared/petal cloverleaf
琵琶结 pipa knot
五福,六合 machine translates as "5 lucky, 6 close" 5 and 6 lobed... turks heads? mats? what defines a turks head?
八字结 figure eight knot and leaf knot
反双联结 opposite or flipped double connection knot nothing to do with the monkey's fist
左右轮 machine translates as "left and right wheels" alternating half hitch sinnet
六瓣纽扣结 hexagonal button knot
元宝结 tael knot
逆向蝶型小结 inverted butterfly heart small knot there's a literal naming, eh? it looks rather like it's got some kinship with the sauvastika knot though, don't it?
红豆结 red bean knot
有轴冰花 ice flower heart