"Sooo long"?! "The one line" semi-retraces --nb: your own defined process (for finding the zeppelin bend in Ashley's #582, a bend from single-strand lanyard knot)-- the other precisely to your stipulation of half-way.
OK, the one end retraces the other s path alongside halfway, only, of the total path through the knot - but this iseems enough to destroy the balance, because what is derived after the retracing, does not remain symmetric ( as it happens in the case of the ABoK#582 and the Zeppelin bend ). Just LOOK at your knot, with the eye of the Great Z : Do you see a beautiful bride ? Do you see something related to you, to the Zeppelin kingdom, or to the kingdom of your enemy, the G double line overhand knot ?
!!! Your selective vision is a marvel!
Thank you my doctor ! Miracles do happen, after all ! My blindness disappeared overnight, and turned onto a marvellous selective vision !

And yet you mis-see in that an overhand loop (which loaded geometry in fact doesN'T obtain).
Mis-see, but SEE nevertheless !

True, the loading is different, indeed, but
loading can not be
seen easily. Your knot does not have the loading of the double line overhand knot, that is true, but its half
looks like it - and the other half looks like a single line overhand knot ! On the contrary, it does not have the loading of the Zeppelin bend ( because of the additional binding role played by one of its pivots, which, because of this role, can not play the role of the pivot simultaneously, i.e. be doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the same time...

), and G Zeppelin only knows how much it has the looks of the Zeppelin bend !
I wonder what is your greater problem, that your knot should be seen as not-related to the double line overhand knot plus single line overhand knot, or that it should be seen as related to the Zeppelin bend... I have opened a second front to facilitate my line of argument, and it seems you have fallen in the trap.

Two fronts are better for me and worse for you. And things at
third, Western front ( that of the analogy between the two pairs, ABoK#582 -Zeppelin bend, on the one hand, and Zeppelin bend - your daughter on the other) are not going much better, I am afraid. The ABoK#582 and the Zeppelin bend are both symmetric AND beautiful, while the beauty of your daughter is not even skin deep...
one could form a gratuitous loop of what I see as the "fused" tails (of the single-strand_tied_to_bight-ends) such thatnon-tension could be observed in them (and "they" would be materially plural, adding 1 additional part being nipped); this would be of course merely a theoretical exercise to appease the recalcitrant.
The recalcitrant sees that " plurality" is the only thing that would characterize this
compound knot ! We have gone from the humble 2 +1 ( 2 overhand knots, or 1 double line overhand knot, + 1 overhand knot ) to the the inflationary universe of this new monster.
For an eye knot with such a reeve-the-bight formation into an overhand knot base, I actually prefer one in which this reeving
takes an asymmetric path that put more pressure on the SPart, and also gives a more rounded U-turn to it. It bulks well more than the fig.8 eye knot, but might give the high strength with ease of untying, for those selective uses in which such attributes can be seen compelling.
I see ( ?!). It looks interesting. I , too, have already noticed the usefulness of this strategy, in this thread and elsewhere, to "feed" knots with retucked segments of rope, so to force the standing parts to follow wider / rounder curves. They would gain in strength, and in easiness of untying after heavy loading. I would be glad to see your conception in a picture or a drawing, if my blindness does not come back...