That will fix it, yes. However, I do not know if this view would be better for the viewer, or the view of the knot where the free ends pass through the opposite sides of the loop, as it stands now. You see, you never know which will be the most clear/comprehensible view for the "average reader", in order to help him/her follow the lines of one knot, understand it, and then be able to tie it easily and correctly...if there is such a thing as the "average reader" ! I came to believe that the ways one person s mind conceives 3D objects, and/or their 2D representations, may be VERY different from another s.
I was "disappointed" by the lack of understanding of people that I thought had ample relevant experience and would had get something at once - but they had not -, and I was surprized by the instant understanding of the same objects and representations by other people, that had never before seen a similar representation in their lives. I think that this is the reason the educational system has such low efficiency : we tend to assume that the minds of people work in more or less the same way, like their hands or feet - while they do not. Teachers, books, educational programs, all try to address to the "average student", and they fail miserably. That is why I had suggested the 3D PDF file format... where the interactive nature offers a realistic "feeling" of the object, very near to the feeling of actually holding the object in one s palm.
( Perhaps I may sound rather odd, but even the insignificant fact that the wrapped object is not designed accurately ( it has sharp corners in the one view, and round corners in the other ), bothers me somewhat...It somehow prevents my mind to accept that it is the
same object, shown from two different angles !